Save the world – The Big Picture #33
TORTURE 4 THE SAKE OF TORTURE. Main Stream Media MSM. … Continue reading
On Friday April 21st, the Vivienne Westwood team attended Extinction Rebellion’s ‘The Big One’ protest in Parliament Square. Caroline Lucas from the Green Party gave a powerful speech mentioning ‘Rosebank’, a huge undeveloped oil and gas field in the North Sea – #STOPCAMBO
TORTURE 4 THE SAKE OF TORTURE. Main Stream Media MSM. … Continue reading
What is torture / a broken man / how do they break u / on the wheel bones broken u lie on it / raised on its long axel pole into the sky / facing God’s heaven, crows peck out yr. eyes & flock 2 the feast while yr. body rots / Thinking of Julian, Boris our corrupt P.M. + Vanessa Baraister –> she is a corrupt bag of stinking flesh. Continue reading
The raging power devil, Tamburlaine has his chariot pulled by the kings he conquered; one king he caged like an animal, in the public square, who at last bashed his brains out on the bars. Continue reading