On Friday April 21st, the Vivienne Westwood team attended Extinction Rebellion’s ‘The Big One’ protest in Parliament Square. Caroline Lucas from the Green Party gave a powerful speech mentioning ‘Rosebank’, a huge undeveloped oil and gas field in the North Sea –  #STOPCAMBO 



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Save the world – The Big Picture #33

TORTURE 4 THE SAKE OF TORTURE. Main Stream Media MSM. … Continue reading

Money Notes 3 – JOINED AT THE HIP by Gordon Swire

‘Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, deceiving the multitudes.’ Leonardo da Vinci Continue reading

Vivienne’s Diary – 28.10.20

“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” – Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) Continue reading

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Save the World – The Big Picture #32

What is torture / a broken man / how do they break u / on the wheel bones broken u lie on it / raised on its long axel pole into the sky / facing God’s heaven, crows peck out yr. eyes & flock 2 the feast while yr. body rots / Thinking of Julian, Boris our corrupt P.M. + Vanessa Baraister –> she is a corrupt bag of stinking flesh. Continue reading

Vivienne’s Diary – 21.10.20

by Gordon Swire Continue reading

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Save the World – The Big Picture #31

The raging power devil, Tamburlaine has his chariot pulled by the kings he conquered; one king he caged like an animal, in the public square, who at last bashed his brains out on the bars. Continue reading

How the UK Security Services neutralised the country’s leading liberal newspaper

Julian’s betrayal by the Guardian, including the silence of it’s two main leftist journalists Owen Jones and George Monbiot, is due to the paper being first threatened by the security services and then, under new editorship, cosying up to them and accepting voluntary censorship. Continue reading

Vivienne’s Diary – 13.10.20

How was it left at the end of The Old Bailey trial with Julian? No decision, Vanessa Baraitser will tell us in September when she’s had time to think about it so the solitary confinement of an innocent man continues. Continue reading

Jonathan Cook on pressuring leftist journalists to support Assange

There is a reason that the journalists I single out for criticism are the Guardian’s two avowedly leftwing columnists, George Monbiot and Owen Jones Continue reading

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