translationsjapanese translation

Quality v Quantity

The answer lies in Q v Q = Quality versus Quantity.
The danger lies in expansion. Because you lose control so you have to stop. In fact I want us to contract. so I and the stalwarts of our company are having meetings and going through our departments building the right links in a hierarchy of skills so people understand their responsibilities and relationships.
It takes a lot of time, the aim is real job satisfaction and incentive – and efficiency; with more control over their jobs people have more control over their lives and make good choices. Generally we want our customers to “Buy less, Choose well, make it last”.  Regarding our designs, criteria has always been, “I have to like it”. I Vivienne, – I have to like it.


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  1. […] we want our customers to ‘Buy less, Choose well, make it last,” Westwood wrote on her website, Climate Revolution. Now that’s not a statement you’d expect to hear out of the mouth of a fashion […]

    Pingback by Vivienne Westwood’s Step Forward Means Scaling Back | Quiet Kinetic on 13/02/2014 at 7:06 pm

  2. Big love and respect x

    Comment by Pickles on 22/02/2014 at 2:46 pm