John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK, visited us in the studio this week. We talked about environmental issues in general, particularly Shell’s engagement in the Artic Sea and the fact that the campaigning and political activism by local community groups, supported by NGOs such as Greenpeace, is strong. Though Shell’s fleet is on its way from Seattle to the Arctic to drill oil, it is accompanied by hundreds of “Kayaktivists” all the way. More, Shell faces many obstacles and problems ahead. The end? Still hope! The wreckers of the Earth might not succeed after all.

What else? Yes, of course! We talked about FRACKING! Greenpeace released a list of 54 MPs that signed up to Frack Free Promise, a co-operation between Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. 54 out of 650, a mere 8.3%! Let’s hope they keep to their pledge! ….  and do not forget that 92% of MPs in this country intend to vote for laws that will allow our drinking water to be polluted for generations to come. This is criminal behaviour.

politicians are criminals

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