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  1. I agree so much about the importance of reading.
    Thanks, Vivienne!

    Best Regards,

    Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 29/03/2017 at 6:00 pm

  2. Knowledge and reading is power, so invest in yourself….so true and such wise words. As a Registered Nurse for 29 years and University tutor I despair of the lack of evidence base underpinning bedside care, nurse staffing levels, skill mixes and trained/untrained staffing ratios all set by NHS managers and accountants. We spend millions on medical research, why not compassion at the bedside? Currently persuing a Doctorate in nurse-patient interactions at the bedside and trying to get the message out that knowledge is power to nurses starting out in their career. Nurses today need to conduct research within their own profession to empower themselves. Only then will we have the power to tell governments that quantifying compassion as a 15 minute slot cannot continue.

    Comment by Carol Forde-Johnston on 31/03/2017 at 6:35 pm

  3. Dear Vivienne,
    Yesterday, I finished to read your book: Vivienne Westwood. I am a Brazilian Anthropologist, teaching at Sao Paulo University, Gerontology Program, writing a bad-bad English (sorry!). I will turn 44 this month, 24th. I am proud and relief to read your book at this point of my life. YES books! Thanks to you and Mr. Kelly, I have a perspective now that I am not crazy. This sense, you right, we just get from intense and meaningful experiences. I am studying aging and culture in my last 25 years. From the last 8 years, I am doing research with my students about old age, meaning and appearance. I think seniors can help us in the Climate Revolution Project, at least, Brazilian seniors. A big part of our senior population came from the field. They are not so familiar with books…they miss simple life, they know how to make and keep simple life, and they are so lost in this called modern world, as a senior population that will live more than ever. Yeap, the forever young mentality can kill! It is helping to kill the planet! So, tell me, why thinking about the planet if we will never get old? Strange equation! It is like freezing time, by losing our mind for consuming as a way of life. All these is getting at this level of challenge, considering the fact that if we desire to live young forever…we will need a forever planet! But the planet is melting! It will be wonderful to enjoy this movement and make this change, this “mentality human chance”. People need repertory and be very brave! Seniors can wear these ideas, and make clear how diverse we are and think. But the planet? It is just one! I turn vegan in the last 4 months. All part of my “41 years old and plus” plan. When I took it away, I mean, the centrality of the meat and animal products of my plate, everything change. And by plate I also mean the planet and by meat, I mean all the wrong ideas we just reproduce nowadays. Please, if all this make sense to you, keep in touch. Everything is connected! Talking about books, I suggest you read The Society of Individuals, The Established and the Outsiders, and The loneliness of the dying, of course! “Others die, I do not”….“how this task is to be performed”
    Fucking-punk good Lord Norbert Elias!

    Love and Transformation, always!
    Andrea Lopes

    Comment by Andrea Lopes on 16/04/2017 at 10:49 am