The Conference of the Birds

What am I trying to establish in the opening statement of my Manifesto?

Active Resistance (AR) welcomes you:
Dear Friends, We all love art and some of you claim to be artists. Without judges there is no art. She only exists when we know her. Does she exist? The answer to this question is of vital importance because if art is alive the world will change. No art, no true progress.

She is saying: You can’t have culture without art – and you can’t have art without the art lover.
I had at least two strong attempts to write the Manifesto, but I didn’t like either of them – it was too much of a harangue. I wanted to get off that soap box. I wanted to find a way to involve my listeners.
I was reading ‘The Conference of the Birds’ in a dramatic form from Peter Brooks’ famous theatre in Paris. It was originally a very long poem written in 12th century Persia. In the story, many birds meet and decide to go on a journey to find their King. It’s one of my treasures – I love this dramatic text and would love to see it performed one day.
After reading it, I insisted on regaling Andreas with its genius. He immediately turned to me and said, “Why don’t you do the Manifesto like that?” And I thought, whew, a journey – that’s the way to do it!

Next time, the Pirate & Sir Morgan Mammon. Who are they? If you want to anticipate, we’d love to hear from you.

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  1. I find your interest in literature fascinating! So many wonderful, quirky and interesting characters can be found in literature. Would you class literature as an art which we can love too?

    So often I think of your phrase ‘Art Lovers Unite’ and wonder if we can truly embrace all forms of art at the same time, and all their associated branches and types . As your video explained regarding music, one of in my opinion the purest of all the arts, is certainly something cultural that can help us understand our world and our own raw emotions. Would you say the same for the dramatic arts ie theatre?

    Whilst music moves me in a very personal way, and I believe that I am a very musical person, can Drama do the same? With so much on television that doesn’t seem to have any point nowadays how far do we need to go back to truly appreciate the Art of acting? Shakespeare? Or even further than that? Even though the popular culture of TV is so prominent in our society would you agree that a playwright like Shakespeare are just as great an artist as Rembrandt?

    I hope I haven’t asked too many questions, I’d just love to know what you think!


    Comment by James Emmett on 07/01/2011 at 4:20 pm

  2. Also, I realise that it’s not really related to this post, but I wanted to say what wonderful points you had to make on the Any Questions radio show. Especially about politicians selling out their principles to fight another day. My view exactly on Mr Clegg, it is really reassuring to see somebody who I admire has a similar view. Thank-you.


    Comment by James Emmett on 07/01/2011 at 8:54 pm

  3. Hi. I’ve read your manifesto a couple of times, and I think that it’s brilliant. Profound. Since I read it the first time- my life has changed. Life feels fascinating. It’s like I’m engaging with the world in a new- dynamic way, and I just want to say thankyou. ^^

    Comment by Anonymous on 19/10/2011 at 2:01 am

  4. i think that your manifesto is very thought out and well written. i want to start a clothes line, i am into fashion very much and love the clothes. your manifesto is ver inspiring.

    Comment by Noah Leader on 26/03/2012 at 7:44 am