Here is the latest letter from Leonard Peltier which I’d like to share with you. I received shortly before Christmas. It always amazes me how positive and interested in the world he remains even after 35 years in prison. I think it’s very moving – and inspiring. In the letter, he mentions his paintings which you might enjoy seeing here.
I’ll follow up with my reply very soon.

17 November 2010

Dear Miss Vivienne!
You never have to apologize to me for not answering right away. I fully understand that you have a very busy life. I am just happy to hear from you and that you even write to me.
Please tell Tizer I send greetings, love & brotherhood – and I did receive the pullout from your most recent show. Of course I enjoy looking at this stuff and I’m amazed at how the models are dressed – I do want to say this as a compliment, but you look great on the cover, wow!
I’m anxiously waiting for your Manifesto. I know I will enjoy and like it! Hell, I’ve enjoyed all the other things you’ve written and sent to me. Yes, I know what you mean, as you write more ideas come to mind. I have a lot of trouble trying to rewrite anything I write, or copy something I wrote – new thoughts come to mind and I automatically change what I am rewriting!
I know the major obstacle we have in trying to save the environment is the wealthy conservatives. The hard core fact is that they refuse to believe the problem even exists! Look what they are trying to do and have done to President Obama, in the past to Governor Jerry Brown (of California), who is Governor again, by the way. Bu they nearly destroyed his political career! Look at Al Gore – he’s another one – they even stole the Presidency from him. Wow, and they dare call this a democracy? No wonder some nations don’t want to be one…Of course, now Gore and Kerry are lucky, look at what they did to Kennedy! In the end (wealthy conservatives) are just too ruthless as a people – and they have FAR too much power. And if it continues it will be the end of the human race! How else can it end?
Of course, if we speak about it they call us communist, socialist or, as in Governor Brown’s case, a star gazer, a flake, all kinds of crazy shit, and he lost his chance(s) to be President…I think he would have been a good if not great one. If anything, certainly for the environment & Mother Earth. And if he had been elected, just imagine how far advanced our natural energy, etc, would be today!! Even if Al Gore had gotten in we would have had 10 full years of working on fixing the earth’s problems…

If I sound as if I’m rambling sometimes it’s just because I’m doing more than one thing at a time. It’s been like that for years for me and I now if anyone you will understand what I mean.
My sisters, Betty & Vivian, and Dorothy, an old friend I worked for as an employment manager at one time, are coming to see me. She now manages her tribe’s Casino! My sisters sold a painting of mine so we are using some of the funds to rent a car. I bought her one about four years ago for $1,500 I got from the sale of another painting. It still runs good but it’s a small compact and would not be comfortable for those old gals on such a long trip. But they should enjoy the ride and the scenery…
I believe I told you about this before, but Dorothy has a small side business going where she makes these famous Sioux star quilts. A lot of people purchase them to hang on their walls. So, now she wants to make some with the center being a print of a painting I’ve done! Oh yes, the quilts are probably as famous and popular as Navajo rugs. And now Dorothy wants to not only put my paintings in the center but also my photo – this will help pay for the PR around my case.

Oh, I almost forgot again to tell you about my visit with my cousin. He’s much younger than I am but he got old on me – his hair is gray, thinning and he’s got a lot of wrinkles. I was shocked but it was a good visit, sharing news and gossip on our family.
Then my great grandson came (one of 11), his Dad & his wife. But wow, what a great feeling it was to hold a great grandchild in your arms. I was high for days and told everyone! For days! In all it was a very awesome visit.

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  1. It’s so wonderful to hear that Leonard is doing well, well as well as can be given his situation
    I think the paintings are absolutely beautiful! Sonething any Art Lover would adore, I am sure!

    Comment by James Emmett on 11/01/2011 at 3:43 pm

  2. So nice to share this with us – Im a big LP supporter and have been following the case ever since I hear of it, ’bout ten years ago. I have been trying to find “Incident at Oglala: The Leonard Peltier Story“ but of course it has been very difficult to find.
    His paintings are absolutely adorable and shows his restless sensibility and strength.

    Thanks for sharing this! ♥

    Comment by Cecilia on 12/01/2011 at 3:02 am