If you would like to know more about Leonard’s thoughts,I strongly recommend you read ‘Prison Writings: My Life is my Sun Dance’. It is so moving and gives real insight into his life.

Dear Leonard
I hope you are in good spirits, always fighting, always thinking what to do – for yourself and for others. We always think we will help to get you out – that one thing we do will lead to another.
I hear from the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee that you have not yet had your biopsy. I will write as they suggests to BOP.

I didn’t go to the yoga ashram at Christmas. I was one day in the airport and couldn’t go because of snow. I saw quite a bit of (my son) Joe and his beautiful 13 year old daughter, Cora. She is about 5’9” or 5’10”!
Leonard, I saw your painting and it looks great on the wall with the mammoth bone in front on a table. It’s very good and Joe is really pleased.

As usual, I don’t have much time to write more as I’m off to Milan for a menswear show. So I’m sending you some photocopies of a book from what was a radio series last year: “A history of the world in 100 objects” by a friend of mine, Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum. Each object took 1/4 hour each day. It was brilliant.

Leonard 1) Did you receive 2 books from me ever? Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ and ‘1984’ by Orwell? Please let me know. 2) Are you allowed to watch stuff on te internet? My website is www.activeresistance.co.uk/getaife.

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  1. I got this book for christmas Vivienne from my Father,
    I will be reading it shortly !


    Comment by Sam on 12/01/2012 at 4:36 pm