We’ve started fundraising for Cool Earth – you can read about it in today’s Times and Telegraph .

My interview on Channel 4 News about Cool Earth, meant to coincide with the opening of COP17 (Durban Climate Change Conference), is, unfortunately, being rescheduled because their news agenda today suddenly became too full to include it.

Topical news probably means talking about the symptoms, i.e. the financial crisis, not the problem – the environmental crisis. Cool Earth will save the Rainforest and this is the most important event that’s happening on the planet right now.

Urgent: If we save the Rainforest we might save the planet! Only public opinion and  involvement can save us – can you help?

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  1. Hopefully this campaign will get the attention it deserves. I have personally just saved 12 trees and I hope that as many people as possible who can afford to do so will do the same!

    I happen to be head of the Eco group in our Student Council, and I plan on pushing some projects within school, mainly about sponsoring a few acres through Cool Earth, and hopefully we can help to save what rainforest we have left!

    I genuinely wish Cool Earth and yourself the best of luck with the campaign!


    Comment by James Emmett on 28/11/2011 at 4:24 pm

  2. Dear James
    Vivienne & I thank you so much – what a brilliant response!

    Comment by Cynthia on 28/11/2011 at 4:41 pm

  3. Dear Vivienne,
    As the student representative on my Art degree, I’m going to ask to do a lecture about this cause as I think people within my Art school will really appreciate being enlightened by this website and CoolEarth in general.
    Especially with christmas coming up, – what a fantastic present to give to someone or even to give yourself, – after all – how many material possessions do we really need every christmas?!
    This is so important, and again I want to lecture about this hopefully and I hope it will get a good response, and get the people within my Art school to spread it further and further through word of mouth and emails/social networking.

    It’s now become so accessible to help, – and I bet people who are ignorant to this will feel much better at knowing that they are helping when they see how fantastic it is to be able to get so involved, and see what exactly their money is saving !

    Fantastic, brilliant, awesome!

    Comment by Sam on 28/11/2011 at 5:01 pm

  4. Great campaign, Vivienne! I just saved half an acre through Cool Earth, and I have sponsored trees as gifts to people in the past as well. Sam is right that this would make an excellent Christmas gift to someone who is concerned about saving the rainforests, and there are also many nice items made by indigenous peoples available on the Cool Earth website to purchase as gifts. I wish you all the success in the world with this campaign, Vivienne, and I have been spreading the word to friends and family!

    Best Regards,

    Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 28/11/2011 at 8:58 pm

  5. Dear Vivienne

    I also saved some trees 🙂 It’s like a MAGIC!! because I can help saving the Rainforest from Japan, wow!
    Is it possible to put the “cool earth scarf” image to introduce your though about saving the planet on my blog which written in Japanese?
    I translate your idea in Japanese, then more people here in Japan know the project and hopefully more people can help saving our own planet. And, I believe the image always help people to understand ideas deeper.

    By the way, I read your manifesto and I loved it! My life starts changing from today.
    Thank you.


    Comment by Aya on 29/11/2011 at 9:48 am

  6. Dear Aya
    Thank you for your comments. It would be fine for you to use the image in your blog – can you send us the address so we can see it when you’ve done it? I think it will be interesting to see it in Japanese!

    Comment by Cynthia on 29/11/2011 at 12:04 pm

  7. Dear Jeffrey
    Thank you and keep up the good work!

    Comment by Cynthia on 29/11/2011 at 12:06 pm

  8. Dear Vivienne and Cynthia

    Thank you for your response.
    I wrote blog about the idea in my blog in Japanese, and here is the address.
    Thank you.


    Comment by Aya on 29/11/2011 at 3:47 pm

  9. Vivienne I LOVE you !

    *I study arts and my graphic diary theme this week is EARTH..! I’ll do a drawing of you…*Earth queen* Or something with a perfect quote by you !


    Comment by Inspire me Bitch on 03/12/2011 at 6:32 pm

  10. **Ah back in August I made a post about you in my blog and some peoples sure adore you !


    Comment by Inspire me Bitch on 03/12/2011 at 6:36 pm

  11. Dear Vivienne, I think what you are doing to raise awareness is wonderful, I will be saving trees this year instead of wasting them through Christmas cards. I will be spreading this message on my blog too and I hope many people will support this cause, lets hope its on the national news very soon,

    Comment by Pearl on 07/12/2011 at 12:52 am

  12. Just to let you all know,

    As part of what we hope to be a long running fundraising scheme at my school for Cool Earth we are running aChristmas ‘e-card’ scheme in which students can choose a background, write a message and have it displayed on the plasma screens in and around school. Half of the cost of each e-card is going into a collection which will be eventually donated to Cool Earth and the No Fun Being Extinct campaign, and the other half raising money for the Post 16 formal.

    Starting small, but every little helps!


    Comment by James Emmett on 07/12/2011 at 9:32 am

  13. Dear Dame Vivienne Westwood,

    My name is Pauline Brown, and I am involved in the Communications Department of an international student think tank called CliMates. Its goal is to research, debate and find innovative solutions in the fight against climate change. I graduated from Columbia University last June and I am now a Master’s student in l’Ecole de Communication at SciencesPo in Paris.

    CliMates is a student association which creates an international student network, bringing together more than 40 national delegations all over the world. They participate in collaborative research in which they share and enhance their knowledge through publications, discussions and debate on an interactive platform of the CliMates website. They will meet and negotiate a common student position at the very first CliMates Conference of Delegations in Paris in the fall of 2012.

    Drawing their strength and legitimacy from the innovative and interdisciplinary qualities of their research and academic backgrounds, as well as from their extended networks of students and experts, CliMates will raise the voice of students at international summits, including the UNFCCC 18th Conference of the Parties in November 2012, and will seek to have an impact on decision makers at local, national, and international levels.

    It is undeniable that such an ambitious project requires a highly qualified and motivated group. This has enabled thus far to not only create a worldwide network, but also gather various partners and supporters. However, the success of such an initiative cannot only rest on the determination and hard work of CliMates. It would also benefit greatly from your personal support.

    Throughout your career, and especially in recent years, you have been committed to raising awareness for the urgency and severity of the climate change problem. CliMates admire your work and dedication, and the manner in which you inspire many to get involved themselves. It would be an honor to receive your personal support, and I would be highly honored to discuss this project with you.

    It is for this reason that I ask if you would like to be one of our “CliM’Angels”. A “CliM’Angel” is a person who symbolically supports the CliMates’ association. This entails endorsing the association and its activity by simply providing your name, picture and a quote that, with your permission, we would place on our website.

    Of course, any further contribution from you to promoting our project would be more than welcome and meaningful to us. Laurence Tubiana, Director of the Institute of International Relations and Sustainable Development, is a CliM’Angel and a voice for CliMates.

    As I do not have your email address, I cannot attach the presentation of our association. If you would like to receive it, feel free to contact me with the information below. Otherwise, you are also more than welcome to visit our website:

    I will more than gladly provide you with any further information, and am available at your convenience for a discussion by e-mail, phone, or in person.

    Most sincerely and respectfully yours,

    Pauline Brown

    Comment by Pauline Brown on 11/12/2011 at 2:48 pm

  14. Dear Vivian,
    I’m the curator of Sustainable Arts Project and Art in Climate Change. These are international exhibition from Germany under the patronage of German UNESCO Commission. So far more than 60 artists from 16 nations are involved to make sustainable development a first hand experience.
    Next time we will show Sustainable Arts Project early march at Heidelberg. I’ve managed to get two big churches in the city center for it. I would like to cooperate with your initiative to make it more popular here in Germany.

    Colourful and sustainable regards
    Samuel J. Fleiner

    Comment by Samuel J. Fleiner on 13/12/2011 at 12:26 pm

  15. Dear Vivienne

    Hi, its George again! I just wanted to say that I am trying to help and I have sponsored a tree for each of my friends, instead of sending them Christmas cards and they were really pleased and said it was a great idea. I also have asked to have some sponsored trees for Christmas. It is terrible to think of something so beautiful and essential to our world being destroyed and I would like to bang the heads together of all the people that do this for their own gain. It is so short sighted and it makes me angry and sad, but hopefully, if more people can get involved we can save the rainforrest and the world!!!

    Have a very Happy Christmas.

    Love George x

    Comment by George Jibson on 19/12/2011 at 11:36 am

  16. Dear George
    Good for you – I just showed your comment to Vivienne and she was delighted. Wouldn’t it be great if your idea of sponsored trees for Christmas could spread to other kids in other schools? How many trees we could save!

    Comment by Cynthia on 20/12/2011 at 4:36 pm

  17. We finished our short-lived Christmas E-card scheme at school and we have raised £40 for Cool Earth in just a few days! So already we can afford to save half an acre of rainforest! It fills me with excitement that we have managed to do this already. The student council and I are planning to do much more fundraising, and I am so pleased that so many other people too are thinking of brilliant ways of raising money for Cool Earth. Worth every single penny!


    Comment by James Emmett on 20/12/2011 at 6:56 pm

  18. Dear Vivienne,

    I highly respect your actions towards saving the environment. Personally, I am environmental engineering student at UCL and the fonder of Julija Handmade sustainable fashion brand. I am deeply concerned about nature and its preservation methods.

    Therefore, two years ago I made the research on how much clothing production and fashion industry itself contributes to the global pollution. This encouraged me to establish the fashion label that is focusing only on man-produced clothing. The main goal of Julija Handmade is to provide handmade clothing which is durable and made from 100% natural and organic materials.

    I am aiming to encourage people to choose man made clothing and contribute towards saving environment. Nowadays, people are prone to buy a lot of cheap clothing and renew their wardrobes completely every season. Increased demand in cheap products, man-made synthetic fabrics leads towards the rising CO2 levels. This also creates the throw-away society.

    I was wondering if you would like to collaborate with me and change the people’s attitude towards clothing. Convince people to choose the handmade, long lasting, real clothing and accessories.

    I would be very delighted if you could reply to me.

    Thank you for your time.

    Yours faithfully,

    Julija Bainiaksina

    Owner/Founder at Julija Handmade

    Comment by Julija Bainiaksina on 15/01/2012 at 8:26 pm