I just don’t have time to answer all your letters except every now and again, but I do read them. In lieu of this, I have decided the best thing to do is to write a quick diary each day.

Friday, 27 April: Came home after a glorious day with Juergen Teller shooting Stella Tennant for our publicity campaign. We had worked exhaustively over days to prepare it and it went well. Stella was marvellous. Inspired by Velasquez, we created an atmosphere of 17th century interiors.

Saturday, 28 April: Yoga. Decided every Saturday will be my day of rest and glory! Reading for pleasure in bed. Of course I enjoy all my books and I have a queue of them waiting, but most of them are non-fiction. This book is ‘The Story of the Stone’ – fascinating, profound, exhilarating. It really is a book of life – a Chinese 18th century classic in five volumes. Read until slept.

Sunday, 29 April: Iris came to stay with us and to work for one week – a pattern cutter who is a creative genius. Dinner to friend Giselle. Discussed Twin Towers; difficult not to believe their collapse was caused by demolition and not as a result of the aeroplanes (watch ‘911 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolition’, www.911mysteries.com) .

Monday, 30 April: First fittings for ‘Gold Label’ (see my blogs: ‘Creating worldwide Woman’, 15 & 24 March, 2011). Our fitting model tried on the toiles. A toile is a draught – a work in progress of a design, executed in calico, which we develop and fit until finally we make the finished garment in the correct fabric. Iris really enjoyed working on some of the clothes inspired by beetles. A kind person had sent me a little book on beetles thinking it could inspire jewellery designs.

Tuesday, 1 May: Yoga. Long talk with Julian Assange: Wikileaks and their problems
raising funds to ensure their economic survival; they’ve been fighting an unlawful economic blockade by giant US finance companies for over a year. This has destroyed 95% of their revenue from the public. www.wikileaks.org
Human rights are really being scrapped by what is fast becoming a totalitarian world order. Our politicians are in default on every level – climate change created by squeezing everyone with a crazy financial system and decreasing regard for human rights. It’s all connected. When I read the newspapers (I expect TV’s the same) they make you think the public agrees with all this. But I don’t think we do. I am against the whole thing. I am not alone. You are not alone. We are the majority.

Wednesday/Thursday, 2/3 May: Worked on collection. Hard. On average, if you can make one decision a day – this is speed. With Iris here we can work more quickly; Iris develops the new ideas for cut. She is so light and so quick because she is technically trained; she brings more than one idea to a point each day; she helps us and our other pattern cutters. We can pin our ideas down at the fittings and I can check with her the use of fabrics for the designs. Andreas thinks the most important thing is to catch the accident, keep it, use it.
Right use of fabrics is the hardest part, matching the idea – the toiles – with the fabric. This continues throughout the building of the collection and includes how to sew and make up the garment. You have to let the fabric do what it wants to do. At the moment we only have small samples of fabric, some are only 2” square, the rest 12”. Nothing has arrived, yet I need to work it out in the air: a) because I need to get a potential overview for the collection, e.g. what blouse goes with what skirt/jacket; through such practical solutions you develop the collection and the feeling and b) this will show me what other fabrics I am going to need so I can still order before it is too late. Some fabrics – I think, why on earth have we ordered this; what am I going to do with it? Print it? Cut it full of holes? Then I might get an interesting idea.
When the fabrics do start to come then it often happens that the idea and the fabric just don’t work together; then you have to design something else for the fabric and something else for the idea which is still at the toile stage. Anyway, this is the hardest thing. Luckily, Andreas is genius at all this and when the fabrics arrive he will start to commit himself. Knitwear is much easier to design. One day I’ll explain why.

London Mayor:
I voted for Ken. He’s done great for London throughout his career. He made you feel we were all in it together, that London was our town. I liked Siobhan Benita – an independent – she was very specific and practical. Boris, yes he adopted the bike idea from Paris but, apart from that, he’s shown no imagination – just hard line Conservative policy. Yet Labour supporters like him, like him because he’s silly. I remember some years ago I attended a discussion at the British Museum, run by the Telegraph, “Do we live in a free society”. Boris was on the panel and sabotaged the whole thing by showing off and saying silly things.

Awake in the middle of the night thinking, “How awake is public opinion?” I am always looking for ways to test this out: what can I say and do to find out and also to make it happen?
The Great Democratic myth is full of holes. It becomes daily more obvious that it is falling apart. The reality is that our rulers are the people who run the financial system and it’s run only for their benefit. Global Corporate Capitalism. Our democracy is really a plutocracy masquerading as a democracy.

The myth is more and more difficult to sustain because more and more of us are experiencing the destruction it causes; not only does it ruin the countries of the developing world and the lives of the people who live there, but the citizens/people of the priveledged countries. I might as well reiterate my mantra:
The financial system is the cause of climate change and the financial system is collapsing because we’re running out of resources. Politicians do not stop climate change because they cling to the collapsing system and police it with an ever more desperate and glaring abuse of human rights. Only public opinion will save us from unprecedented catastrophe. See http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30620.htm for an overview.

Friday, 4 May: Met Will.i.am. He popped in to see me about an idea he has for fashion. We talked a lot. He had helped Obama get in with his hit song, “Yes I Can”, but he is very politically aware; he knows how the political system works. Because Obama is a fan of drones and because Will. believes in technology, I talked about drones. We now live in a world worse than “1984” for surveillance, and drones can be targeted at anybody the Ruling System decides to kill.

Do we really believe they’re killing only terrorists and that they know who these terrorists are? (To me a terrorist is more often someone who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will thinks that social media/internet provides a transparency so that no-one can lie.

I say: for two centuries western people have agreed with the belief system created and fathered by an increasing build-up of propaganda through the media, especially in the US.  Movies, bombs, cars – we believed the myth. Even in the face of the lie, we believe; the more blatant the lie the more we believe. We do not see our own face in the mirror. We can only hope that as the lies become more blatant, more of us will admit to the reality. It will be great of the internet increases our disbelief.
Will. works hard and donates a lot of money for education. He connects education with being able to use technology in a creative way. He took my point that education doesn’t start from you and what you can do. You have to know the past in order to understand the present and to launch into the future. He laughs that I don’t have a mobile phone, etc. but acknowledged what I also said – whatever the marvels of technology, the internet can’t read the book for me.

He is a very good, sweet, clever man. Apart from his other charities, he’s interested to help with Cool Earth and I told him about Leonard.
There is no better way to know things than from the motive: How can I make the world a better place?

Re the collection: Another milestone attained! I had not found a tailoring fabric I liked. Now I’ve decided on three and I have some idea of “how it’s gonna be”.

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  1. Thanks for the update on things going on in your life, Vivienne. The diary was a great idea! I am as frightened as you are about the drones, and I have just finished re-reading “1984” to put things in perspective. I do live in the US, and I wonder how far the politicians will go with surveillance and restricting our freedoms. It really is frightening to think about! I also do not believe that technology will save us from anything, and we can already see the ways in which it is used to spread propaganda.
    Thank you for posting your thoughts, and I do find them inspiring to read. I will also look forward to hearing more about the development of the next Gold Label collection!

    Best Regards,

    Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 10/05/2012 at 2:12 pm

  2. Sunday 29th .. That day would have been a great day for me to be a fly on the wall.. 9/11 I have gone into so many discussion about the collapse of the towers.
    There has never been a case in history that a multi-storey building could ever collapse by fire ,the tempeture never reaches to a high degrees that would ever weaken a metal structure of a building.
    The planes fuel would not have reached a tempeture that would have melted the structure.
    Was thermite / thermate used . Thermate is only used by the military or governments this is an easy explosive to be placed and it melts metal in mintues …. ????
    This has a magnesium effect … And if you watch any documentaries by a professional demolition it states that Thermate creates a white flash that was seen on the collapse from the towers. ?????
    What happend to building 7 ??? This collapsed hours after the twin towers fell . This was never hit by a plane. (check out what happend to building 7 and this will open your mind)
    The pentagon was hit by a plane yet there was no real footage that resembled and aircraft????
    How can 19 Muslims with box cutters take over 4 international airlines ???
    How can a small militant group like al-Qaeda create take over the USA ???
    I have seen in the uk after 9/11 and 7/7 bombings that people hate the Muslims for this unanswered day. yet our mainstream media let us see what they want us to see.
    The 9/11 commission report was not even worth reading.
    George bush and the bush administrators should have been questioned for this tragic day.
    I feel for the thousands that died on that day and I hope one day we will all see the truth through this false flag war .
    Every has there own oppition on the twin towers … But we should all have an open mind and look into this and then to ask your self …. What you believe
    Peace to all
    Love Ian

    Comment by Ian on 11/05/2012 at 12:11 am

  3. Dear Ian,
    Thank you for listing so many factors pointing to an inside job. I could not resist citing my opinion on the blog. But I do not make it a habit publically because I am so focussed on climate change. However, there is a large portion of people who agree with us.

    Comment by Vivienne on 23/05/2012 at 10:52 am

  4. ‘Capitalism thrives on waste’ ~ Haruki Murakami
    I wonder if perhaps the governing bodies are now choosning to waste autonomy and
    fundamental rights because they have almost completely eviscerated natural resources…
    The development of nanotechnology is, much to my chagrin, focussing on military aims.
    It offers putative cancer curse AND a resolution to famine BUT the government institutions
    funding this research seem only inclined to work on the amelioration of their drones and weapons.
    Dystopia seems increasingly likely or perhaps apt as in our time the Brave New World seems all too familiar.
    One hopes that when it collapses we’ll have something more akin Island than Ape and Essence…

    I take sanctuary in Bhakti Yoga, a sense of devotion to love and to life aimed at a visionary image
    of a deity reflecting the values of love.

    Thank-you for writing this blog, an insight into the life of someone so inspiring and quite thought provoking.

    Comment by Chloe Campbell on 11/05/2012 at 11:09 am

  5. Glad to see you mention Julian Assange – his plight appears to have dropped out of the news recently. With regards to the press, they always report news from their own rose tinted eyes and as you point out, in an extremely biased way. One only has to look at politics to see how the press influence much of what we are “supposed” to think and believe, but hey, I guess that is life. I still hope Wikileaks will print HOW certain prolific Brits are avoiding tax through the Swiss & Cayman Islands tax systems (MPs included) – they were provided with this information last year by the former Swiss banker Rudolf Elmer, BUT as yet, have chosen not to reveal details.

    Proud to hear a prolific figure state they voted for Ken, just a shame we are left with the bufoon BoJo. Lets hope talks of his grand ambitions to be PM are just rhetoric, it is bad enough with the current “coalition” government.

    I haven’t been on your blog for a while so I guess I should have said at the start, what a fabulous idea to put a diary on your blog. Where do you get the time, what with designing clothes, Liberty and climate change – 10 out of 10 Ms Westwood.


    Comment by Mark Jayatilake on 17/05/2012 at 5:48 am

  6. Hello there, hope this message finds you well.
    I’m so excited to read your blog and hear about your creative processes and work flow. If time weren’t an issue I could probably write on and on to let you know how much I admire your charisma and the old world aesthetic you and your team bring to the front of the line.
    I live in the U.S. and have often felt a bit of guilt or maybe i’m more ashamed at times knowing how easily we take rare earth for granted and unknowingly contribute to the decline of our civilization through meaningless social outlets and transparent propaganda. I dream of an ecological utopian society. Sometimes I want to yell at everyone to open their eyes or to stop and look at the signs. People feel empowered more than ever, however…. we’re chosing to do all the wrong things?? Maybe it is literally “something in the water.”
    I completely agree with you regarding: “The financial system is the cause of climate change and the financial system is collapsing because we’re running out of resources. Politicians do not stop climate change because they cling to the collapsing system and police it with an ever more desperate and glaring abuse of human rights. Only public opinion will save us from unprecedented catastrophe.” and sigh.. Where is this strong public opinion?
    Love and Respect. Thank you for doing what you do Dame Vivienne Westwood. 🙂

    Comment by Jeremy Reynolds on 23/05/2012 at 11:29 pm