Vivienne and Andreas have climbed one of the towers to overlook Lucca

Wednesday, 11 July : Rosita and Paola have a company in Prato, an old town near to Florence. They produce our Gold Label. The company is a studio which does more than manufacture and dispatch but helps from the start of the collection, e.g. helping us source and develop fabrics and yarns and we work step by step with them through our assistants, sending emails and patterns and samples to be copied.

You can see the tower we climbed with the olive trees on top

It is obviously efficient for Andreas and me to go there personally for a few days. We get so much done face to face.

We have worked with these two women for around 20 years and they have become our dear friends.

We arranged to work either side of the weekend and to visit Lucca together on the weekend. By the time we left on Tuesday evening we had made so many of the small decisions that pin down a collection and I now feel that I have grasped the identity of the collection.

Paola comes from Lucca and though it is only a half hour drive from Prato I had never visited. We all stayed in an apartment in Palazzo Pfanner belonging to a friend of Paola’s brother, Alfredo, who still lives in Lucca.

Palazzo Pfanner

I am standing in the avenue which runs along the top of the great wall which encircles Lucca

Lucca was once the capital of Tuscany until in the 15th century Florence took control. Lucca is the only medieval town preserved intact because it is enclosed and protected by a great wall built in the 16th and 17th centuries. For this reason, many Lucchesi have settled the world, looking for wider horizons and work. In the 1970’s Prince Charles made a documentary and since then the tourists have come but the town stays sleepy nevertheless.

Lucca sits in the middle of a flat area (once marsh), surrounded by the Tuscan hills. Many English have come to live in the palaces and houses in the countryside between the city walls and the hills.

It really was beautiful. Paola guided us through the narrow streets, against the old walls of the houses. She showed us her old school and house. The churches’ interiors did not beautify themselves with added pomp and splendour; it is the church itself which is important, the experience of entering the church itself – the sparse clarity, would be difficult to convey in a photograph. Andreas, who has loved churches since he was a tiny boy, had never seen the like before; he described them as “shockingly elegant”.  You’re going to have to go and see them for yourself.

This was once an amphitheatre. Over the years people used the stones. Finally in 1830, using what was left of the outer wall, houses were built

Tuesday, 12 July: When we left Prato the temperature was 36 degrees. When we got home the weeks of rain still continued and we had to put on the central heating. In America, this year has been the hottest on record since records began in the 19th century and in the last 12 years, 10 have been the hottest on record worldwide.

The Met Office says that climate change may be the cause of the extreme weather conditions. If climate change may be the cause, why aren’t we doing something about it? If we don’t, then the  catastrophe we face will be unprecedented. The only other event of such devastating consequence that people can think of is when the dinosaurs disappeared. It’s time to call the bluff: all politicians are criminals and too cowardly to face reality, especially the creep, Obama; deceiving us for their own political ends which is to service the corporations which are carving up our planet using taxpayers money.

We do not have a democracy – elected governments do not care for the people who elected them: we have a plutocracy and the plutocrats are maniacs.

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  1. Dear Vivienne,

    This post is absolutely a perfect way to summarise exactly how i too feel about our so called ‘democracy’.
    It makes me sick that politicians literally have no idea about the real world, because they are all groomed through private schools where money is the goal of success, – we end up with people leading our country who have never really lived.

    I grew up in a place where I could discover the world around me, i’d play out with my friends during summer from 9am – 9pm or even later .. out in the woods, across fields or out in the city … I think that the people who are in government have been sat behind a desk their whole lives and that may sound like a generalisation but to me, … the world is more than money, figures and statistics. My emotions, and my life isn’t governed by money. A certain amount of money is required to live, but our government needs to open its eyes to putting money into issues that are of the upmost importance, i.e.: Climate Change.

    We need a goal that is decided by the people! People shouldn’t be scared of their governments, … governments should be scared of their people – and the same goes with listening. We’re always being told things by the government, and not asked.

    Comment by Sam Varnham on 24/07/2012 at 5:00 pm

  2. Great post, Sam. I couldn’t agree with you more! As a US citizen, I have to say that things are going from bad to worse here with no end in sight. The “American Dream” has become a nightmare. I am lucky enough to still have a job with benefits, but I do work for a non-profit institution (college). President Obama is friends with crony capitalists as much as anyone else, and has done nothing positive for this country! Our upcoming election this fall means nothing to me since nothing will change.
    Thanks Vivienne for the beautiful photos from Italy, and I am glad that you had a nice stay there!

    All the Best,

    Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 24/07/2012 at 5:40 pm

  3. Dear Vivienne, Cynthia, Andreas and fellow Active Resisters,

    I have to say that Lucca looks absolutely incredible! One of those places that seems to be almost exactly the same as it was hundreds of years ago! There’s something about this style of Italian architecture that I simply adore. Something wonderfully medieval about it all, like one has literally stepped back in time. Fab!

    I find it also rather strange how if Climate Change MAY be responsible for the extreme weather conditions that the governments are doing nothing at all! If there was a so called terrorism risk then governments would be all over it! ‘There MAY be a terrorism risk’. Unfortunately there is no such attitude regarding climate change. Not enough money in it I suppose. Plenty of money in guns and bombs to protect us from so called terrorists though…

    Am glad you’re having a good time, and getting plenty done with the collection, can’t wait to see it finished and in the flesh! Am going to Birmingham Art Gallery tomorrow, keeping the Art Lover alive even while I’m away from home volunteering for the Olympics!

    Kind regards and best wishes,


    Comment by James Emmett on 24/07/2012 at 7:49 pm

  4. Dear Vivienne,
    How wonderful to see the trees on the top of the tower! I really wish there were more trees in unexpected places. I was reading recently about the different health benefits house plants can help with. It is also so interesting to learn about where the Gold Label is produced and beautiful Lucca.
    It is so easy to see the effects of climate change from the extreme weather changes I do not understand how people can still try to ignore it. I saved up and bought the Gaia Tress dress that you often wear yourself, with the family tree on the front and the map on the back. It makes such a talking point for people to stop and ask what it all means, which is really great because it gets people thinking about the issue of climate change.
    I took influence from you and made my own t-shirt to raise awareness of something I fight for, that is against discrimination of people with ‘invisible’ medical conditions. It is a similar situation, too much nonsense propaganda by the media and politicians giving out misinformation, taking away peoples benefits and care. Too many people are left suffering, vulnerable people who are the very people we should be protecting. Reading your own plight fills me with confidence to keep fighting.
    Thank you!

    Comment by Pearl (Natalie) on 24/07/2012 at 10:20 pm

  5. Dear Vivienne Just discovered your blogsite and “Quality Not Quantity” is a Jewel as YOU ARE! Lucca illuminates my life, thanks for the pix. Sorry everyone is so down on Obama ( I’m mixed race too, so maybe there’s a life viewed differently). However, you all are right about Timothy Geitner (sp) and Larry Sumner. These two co-conspiritors had to be the pawns in the republican corporate greed too big a pig to fail 2008 situation!!!. They had to be included or shit would really have hit…) (AND don’t forget Romney was passed over for sarah palin ms pandora herself wowie zowie!) Go back farther to Chuck Coulson swift boating John Kerry AND PRIOR public realtions point man for slippery dick nixon. Republicans are masonic with a wink and a nod (just like nash illustrations for victorian santa art), democrats are more like fast made group friendships. Obama was snaredby hounds. He needs more time. Put your faith and influence into Nov 6 election, cause if the evil doers resurrect and shape change, the amerikan supreme court will be like the borgeas (sp) on speed. I’m basically harmless yet intelligent and an artist visiable on facebook and as Glory Clothing on youtube xxx

    Comment by Ann Rudder on 07/08/2012 at 8:40 am

  6. Dear Vivienne,
    Thanks for your strong attitude toward the climate change, and your wonderful blog which keeps our motivation alive. I am a musician who have left Japan after the nuclear fall out with my husband. My husband and I just moved to a 100 year old classic house, 2 hours away from Tokyo, with an organic farm. But after 7 days, when I was getting ready to plant vegetables for the season, the earthquake happened which triggered the nuclear power plant fall-out. On our evacuation to the Southern part of Japan, we were hit by the rain. The Japanese government did not announce the danger of the radiation, not warning the people to keep off the rain, we saw many young children who had irritation in the skin when they were hit by the rain.
    I myself have been practicing macrobiotic which have kept me sensible to the changes, and also when I was also hit by a little drop of rain I had a burn on my skin.
    Furthermore, espcially young children and mothers had a recongnizable radiation symptoms of fever, stomach ach, diarrhea, irritation on the skin surface, reddening of the skin. Experiencing all this and watching the way the government lied to the people, we could not stay longer in Japan. Even now, the government had started the nuclear power plant regardless of the majority of the Japanese citizens not wanting nuclear power plant…

    So we left Japan and have been playing music and sharing our experience touring through United States and Canada. We have also planted lots of vegetables in the cities, and in the country whenever we had an opportunity, because we believe in growing our own food. After a year, we are now in London to play at the club where it generates 60% of its energy for the dance floor “Surya.”

    We hope to keep on taking progressive action and keep up with writing the kind of music which glows in ones heart and connect them to the beauty of this earth.
    Luckily we have been able to write beautiful music in our suitcase studio, and thanks to all the support we recieved from people who have let us stay in their bedroom!

    We are playing a show on 8/28/2012 at Surya ( ) dancing and generating our own electricity to fight the climage change!

    Thank you for your beautiful blog 😉

    Comment by Emi on 07/08/2012 at 10:56 am

  7. I share your enthusiasm for Lucca. I was forced to spend six difficult but wonderful weeks there after my son fell off that rather amazing wall and broke his back. He was looked after by the most wonderful doctors there and had to spend a 5 weeks flat on his back in a brace before we could attempt to get him vertical and walking and on to a plane. The kindness and warmth of the people of Lucca was quite extraordinary and to regularly go and have a coffee in the centre was a true joy. Lucca will forever hold a special place in my heart. Its beauty and style is unforgettable.

    Comment by Barbara Seymour on 25/08/2012 at 9:56 pm

  8. Dear Vivienne

    I have relatives in Prato and once I went to a local charity and managed to find a Vivienne Westwood shirt and I though it was a golden label, I bought it.
    The region is fantastic, ask Rosita and Paola to take you to the local Textile museum, I was really impress with fabrics and dresses from the medieval time. Prato has a history in textile.
    The Medici family had a Country side house on top of a mountain in Prato.
    Lucca is just amazing, but last October I choose to go to Sienna and San Gimignano.
    San Gimignano was controlled by two major rival families – the Ardinghelli, Guelph sympathizers, and the Salvucci, who were Ghibellines – and was the scene of incessant conflicts between the two clans. As symbols of their wealth and power, 72 tower houses were built. Of these, 14 have survived, including the Cugnanesi house on the former Via Francigena (Via San Giovanni); the Pesciolini house on the Via San Matteo, on the Via del Castello, in the town’s oldest quarter, the Palazzo Franzesi-Ceccarelli house, whose unsymmetrical facade ingeniously circumvented the law of 1255 which stipulated that no new residence should be wider than 12 arm spans for a linear depth of 24 arm spans.

    Always admiring you and your work

    Comment by Dalva James on 29/08/2012 at 7:37 pm

  9. Toscana is so beautiful. Let’ s preserve it

    Comment by Virginia L on 06/09/2012 at 4:47 pm

  10. comment

    Comment by author on 27/09/2012 at 8:24 am