e.g. 1. Fracking contributes to deaths right now; kills animals certainly by destroying habitat and polluting water; contributes to global warming, all of which brings us to a point where mass extinction is inevitable. We shall reveal our plans to fight fracking in England in the New Year.

e.g. 2. In India, the government is purposely creating war. They are massively increasing the police who get very little wages and whose perks include stealing from and terrorizing people (they get paid for dead bodies) so that the people flee their land – the young ones join the Maoists in the jungle, others live on pavements in towns. Now the government can fulfil its promise to the world’s corporations – for which they have accepted a deposit – to go ahead with their dams and mining operations. Link to Arundati Roy, ‘Broken Promises’ in the Diary 8 May – 30 June.

e.g. 3. In El Salvador, the public protested against the mines which would ruin their land. The World Bank tried to force them but the government sided with the people. Now the mining companies will sue the government. Link to El Salvador mining article.


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