I went to see ‘How to Change the World’, a great film on the history on Greenpeace, Wednesday night, broadcast simultaneously in cinemas throughout the country.

There was a panel discussion afterwards and I missed the opportunity to say something really good. This is what is what it was: neither the panel nor the audience seemed to have a sense of urgency at all.


Some of the people I talked to afterwards were very upset that nobody could give them any kind of solution. I assume they really wanted to know what they could do. They know there is so much wrong in the world and that we are in danger. They understand what I understand but they don’t know what to do about it.

One lady, Sophie, who is very important in the Greenpeace team, was also on the panel. She said, “Demonstrations, I really believe in old fashion demonstrations. We’ve got to have that!” I mean she is absolutely right.

And what I should have said at that point is we’ve got to tackle everything – but one thing at a time. We’ve got to keep building the demonstrations – that’s the way to do it. You can’t deal with everything at once, we can’t stop or change politicians overnight. You’ve got to give people specific targets – that the only way we can do something about changing the Government. This is also linked with the film.

The link is that the Greenpeace started with one thing, saving the whales that were on the brink of extinction. In 1982, after a 10 year campaign, their actions  resulted in a moratorium on commercial whale hunting   – and so the numbers began to recover. This is the link: they fought one thing at a time and it changed policy and got people interested…and then they went for the seals. It’s really important we fight fracking right now as it’s so close to us.

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  1. I could not agree more that there is a lack of urgent urgency to the green movement . I am a green party candidate and we managed to elect the first green councillor in the history of my ultra conservative town. I am also a Greenpeace lobbyist and overall green activist. At the Green Party conference last week I raised the fact that the climate change summit, one of the most vital summits in the history of mankind, is taking place in Nov/Dec and yet there is an alarming lack of awareness that it is even happening. I wrote to key individuals at the GP Greenpeace and FOE. I feel what is needed is a concert in the magnitude of Live Aid to create mass awareness of the cc summit. It is now being talked about a bit more among green circles but there are millions even in the western world that is not aware of the summit. I wrote to Bob Geldof and I will write to Michael Eaves who has strong links to Greenpeace. A song and video has been put together and sent to various individuals at the Green movement but nothing is happening. As an unknown activist there is little I can do. I hope you can help Vivienne.


    With love to our planet


    Comment by Walkiria Bass on 04/10/2015 at 2:52 pm