Pamela back from Russia where she spoke at the Eastern Economic Forum hosted by the Russian government; her speech was a plea for the green economy. She explained the cycle whereby the whales are part of the food-chain necessary for the regeneration of the ocean. Specifically she asked Russia to block Japanese whalers from access to the Arctic shipping route (the only route still open to them) since whaling is illegal (at the moment).

She joined our fund-raising event for Cool Earth + the next day she planned to visit Julian. I decided to visit at the same time because I don’t see enough of Pamela. I listened in.

Julian said Russia is very proud of its wildlife + that is a point on which you can appeal to them. Pamela is planning a letter to a top politician and she asked Julian’s advice. Also, Pamela should remember the importance of Russia’s and China’s interest in working together (and at her next contact she will address the gay issue)

We also discussed the Greenpeace campaign to claim 2.8 million square kilometres around the North Pole, starting 200 nautical miles from national waters; to be declared an Arctic sanctuary.


Julian said there is so much oil there that the most immediate danger is war between the national claimants. He said that Russia understands ice. They have 24 ice-breaker ships, America has 2 and is planning 2 more. He also said that Russia understands we’ve had it if the permafrost melts.

I said everything depends on how quickly we can stop the present wrecking economic system + introduce a green economy; the only secure future is

what's good for the planetWhats good for people is good for the planet

Pamela left for Berlin, she’s going to meet refugees. I never think of taking photographs, shame – she looked so great, big white shirt, black jacket, bare legs, black gross grain platform sandals.
I was so touched by the dedication Julian wrote to me in his new book “The WikiLeaks Files: The World According to US Empire”.

Julian Assange - The Wikileaks Files

There are 3 Ecuadorian security men who take turns in 3 shifts. Usually I see one of them. Today all were “on duty”.
Pamela also made sure Paul Watson would come to our Paris show. Most important – things are going to happen.




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