Mammoth skeleton

Many NGO’s wonder if China can help save the world from climate change. We are dismayed about the negative association between China and the UK government.

Napoleon. “England is a nation of shopkeepers”: I take that to mean, they would sell their grandmother: true.
Here is an example from the press:

“Actually, schmoozing China is just what’s needed, said Niall Ferguson in The Times. By 2020 – according to the IMF – China will account for some 19% of global GDP; the US for just 15%. Given London’s importance as a financial centre, it’s vital to ensure that Britain is the top destination for Chinese capital. Since his ill-advised meeting with Tibet’s Dalai Lama in 2012, David Cameron has rightly come to realise that exhorting Chinese leaders to “improve human rights” gets you nowhere. The elegant volte-face in policy he has now executed is as much about geopolitics – downgrading the special relationship with the US in favour of one with China – as it is about economics.”

  • “geopolitics: we used to use the German word “real-politik” for the policy of placing material greatness and success of one’s own nation before all other considerations, including crimes against humanity. The use of the term allows the general public to absolve themselves from responsibility. “Geopolitics” has the same meaning now applied globally.
  • I am a fan of China, because their civilization achieved an art and culture of the highest form which lasted for a thousand years until 1900. Even so the lowest orders of the social hierarchy were unimaginably poor. If only the rest of the world could have allowed China to make the transition to a fairer distribution of wealth and kept their highest human values, China could be a paradise. If only!
  • I sometimes hope that China could save the world by applying the best human values and a green economy. My favourite book “The Story of the Stone” written in 18th century China – the reason I love it is because it reveals the Chinese soul. Can one still appeal to it? Does it still exist? I would begin by saying to China “Take the moral highground. Trust your people. Begin with human rights. Then help the world to transfer to green energy – not nuclear – (all those US dollar you don’t know what to do with). Dream on!
  • Julian Assange and also my friend Sarah R. point out that the vast country of China has many different Chinese ethnic peoples; they look different and have their own customs and a certain degree of autonomy as in a federation, ruled by the central communist party. The party send the Han Chinese (the Han are the main population) to live in these areas so as to merge the population as a whole.
  • There is protest and disturbance because of these different ways of seeing the world and that is why China reacts in a very oppressive way – they are scared. It is different in America where the propaganda is all about freedom whilst the law is hugely manipulative in pinning down opposition whilst paying lip service to that freedom – which is written in the Constitution. So the American governments are not so scared: they own freedom – and generally the US population believes this.
US stamp - Freedom Forever

“America the land of the free”, they write this on every stamp

The Hinkley Point reactor Prevention

Since when did politicians who were in power ever think beyond step one? Step one is usually just brainwashed reflex action, e.g. Hinkley Point. So Osbourne is against green energy and in favour of energy that costs a lot, because his father in-law invests in old energy. We must prevent him pulling the plug on green energy  (1,000 jobs lost already, because of fear that this will happen).

We thought Hinkley Point was such a mess it would founder. But now Osbourne must have the hope that only the clever Chinese can make it work. (because none of the 3 companies who are trying to build the same reactor elsewhere, including a Chinese company, can so far get it to work – it’s already a white elephant.) The costs are already so out of control that the politicians – not only criminal but stupid – dare not drop it. Projected costs have risen to €25billion and the government have guaranteed an “insane” price for the energy, should it ever produce any. The Chinese want to build nuclear reactors worldwide. (Their own better, cheaper models.)

We had better protest. It’s a disaster, especially because of the issues of safety and sabotage of green energy.

Prevention is better than cure. It’s never too late to stop the government before it does the damage.


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  1. An article in the current Resurgence Magazine [] reminds us of the awful legacy of Sellafield and how the clean-up keeps on being delayed due to unimaginable cost

    Comment by paul tucker on 06/11/2015 at 7:50 pm