Capitalism doesn’t work
Dr David L Katz wrote in The Times that “we have 3 goals right now: saving as many lives as we can, making sure that our medical system does not get overwhelmed – but also making sure that in the process of achieving the first 2 goals we don’t destroy our economy, and as a result of that even more lives.”We cannot possibly return to full-on capitalism after this hiatus. Ev. day we work harms Planet Earth. We need a sustainable economy. Capitalism is a waste economy run on debt. Capitalism kills. What we really need is an emergency plan, put a tax in the form of rent on the people who use land for free. – Save with all those billions that R not being collected. What ev. happens we must begin 2 tax land* + stop subsidies according 2 the manifesto
I noticed that there is good news emerging everyday about how industry stopping is helping the planet.
Links –
‘The virus brought something … beautiful’:Clear water flows through Venice amid coronavirus lockdown
Dolphins return to Italy’s coast amid coronavirus lockdown: ‘Nature just hit the reset button’
There is a silver lining to this whole thing, and these articles are proof of that! Thanks for posting.
Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 23/03/2020 at 11:07 pm
Comment by Jacquie on 02/04/2020 at 8:47 am