Vivienne’s Diary – 23.06.20

Cynthia when she was 2 years old.
Dear John, Dear Matthew,
Cynthia + I began Climate Revolution in 2011 with the aim of connecting all the NGO’s. The first thing to do Save the Rainforest. Cynthia connected us to the charity Cool Earth + Greenpeace – we formed a great + lasting friendship. Cynthia died from cancer on Sunday 7th June. Ricky her beloved brother holding her hand. I am trying to save
, I couldn’t have done it without her.
You 2 were the first. We have a dynamic working relationship resulting in our manifesto .
Friday’s speech, The Big Picture 19th June, states that Greenpeace + Cool Earth are working with all the NGO’s together 2 save the rainforest + the ocean. This is the first step in the manifesto 2 stop Cra$h 2026. simultaneous Climate Cra$h, Financial Cra$h. It’s true to say that both of U already link with other NGO’s in the course of yr work; it’s true to say that the rainforest + the ocean R 2 of the 3 priorities of the manifesto
I have 2 update the manifesto
the third is Stop War. All 3 tog. R the cause of most massive destruction, that 2 tackle them successfully would halt climate change.
How do we go on from here? Regarding the rainforest, the object is to give legal custodianship 2 the people who live there. Tribal people + farmers. This means that we will have 2 stop Bolsonaro + we need govts 2 endorse this + 2 endorse “Stop subsidy to industrial fishing”. Or
no fish. Fish regenerate + oxidise the ocean.
Working within the framework of: no-one can own Land*, how do Cool Earth and Greenpeace work together if at all? We need a plan to cover the whole forest + the whole ocean. We need a report on all the activities of NGOs: rainforest + ocean. They overlap which will help us work out an overall plan of operation. The Oxford Rewilders have a map of the ecological state of the Are you in touch with the Marine Conservation Society? Surely, they must have begun a map showing activities of NGO’s re: ocean.
Until now, we have asked many other NGO’s 2 follow CR website, as we proceed step by step 2 convince ev. that is the only solution 2 save us from total extinction
that NGO’s working tog. R the means 2 save us. The problem is that practically 100% of land is privately owned by the super rich. Govts R corrupt in that they collaborate in this theft. Land is real wealth, this is why there is an ever looming gap between rich + poor. This is why govts R corrupt, because they R aggressive in supporting the rich landowners.
For those NGO’s who now feel ready 2 join us, we ask them 2 do so. is open to all.
Ev. connected, all R needed. Stop War. We call on Medecin Sans Frontiere to come aboard. There is nothing controversial in the manifesto, we are asking govt support in the public interest. We need 2 put pressure
Speak 1 Voice
Help from public + cartels.
Climate Revolution is well aware that we need back-up support from various cartels: investors, technocrats, trade unions, Press + govt – plus other institutions of support, e.g Taschen + Cartier Foundation.
Thanks for your post Vivienne, and I’m so sorry to hear about Cynthia. I used to correspond with her through email, and she was nice to mail things to me in the US.
I hope that we can save the oceans and rainforests before it’s too late!
Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 23/06/2020 at 8:29 pm
Wonderful ma’am
Comment by Lunku Lepcha on 23/08/2020 at 12:16 pm