Viviennes’s Diary – 30.3.21
rld Must Have a Stop
Stop cc, Stop Cra$h.
7 bn dont know our economy is a suicide economy. Financial Cra$h is happening now taking ev with it, the climate + the biosphere. The final breakdown will happen within the next 5
10 years. Then it will be 2 late
no bread
1 billion people left by 2100.
People can’t get their heads round capitalism . In the 50’s they didn’t need 2
ev. believed in progress, growth + that the future was going 2 get more and more wonderful. We were millenarians (when we reach the millennium we will be in paradise).
Had they tried 2 get their heads round tax the poor + give it 2 the rich (trickle-down theory), then our future would be very different.
leads to cc + economic Cra$h.
Things R coming 2 a head, the whole is collapsing
now we can see it, cc + Cra$h
poverty, starvation, migration: no $, no food.
Racism, human rights, X-gender rights, women’s rights, patriarchy, female purists; fundamentalism: religious, nationalist + autocratic.
US, Russia, China, countries of Europe,
Meanwhile, govts R printing $ + giving it 2 industrial dinosaurs ‘Temperature Rising!’ (In UK Priti Patel will ban peaceful protest adding 2 the mayhem. Govts want mayhem [crime of maiming a person so as to render him partly or wholly defenceless (f.old french mahaym MAIM)], they want U 2 fight the police 4 yr personal rights, draw yr fire, distract U from the 1st underlying cause of all abuse which is the War God that we serve. During the industrial revolution war became industrialized; our weapons R mass produced. We call our economy the military industrial complex. 40 % of US budget goes 2 defence. This statistic is easy to get yr head round: tax payers subsidises
economy based on war. War is not a necessity nor conducive 2 our well being; our economy is used against us, against our best interest. All industrial production is run on fossil fuels. Arms production is cause of colossal waste of Earth resources + sold at a fraction of true cost
subsidised by the taxpayer + by rape of Earth. ‘Sow the whirlwind reap the whirlwind‘.
It blows up people + wrecks ev. cities, culture, environment.
There R 2 arguments 4 war: 1) it is global, if we don’t sell arms, s’one else will. Ans = we have 2 start s’where, U in yr country, I in mine (Boris is a Devil); 2) it creates jobs. Ans = it is cheaper 2 pay people not 2 work.
War + car production is the biggest polluter in . What can U do in yr country 2 halt cc? Consume only what U need. Don’t feed the
monster market. ‘Do not buy a car. Do not buy a bomb’. (Do without a car will change yr way of life
We need 2).
Car production is a major polluter. Capitalists R telling U 2 buy an electric car 2 save environment. They think we R lemmings. Let’s be clear, U + I can’t stop war just like that but we can stop arms production + halt cc + financial Cra$h. War production is the biggest polluter, but car production is as bad; so, if U do not buy a car U also halt cc. Put a spanner in the monster machine.
Read the manifesto. Follow me on climate revolution we R working with CAAT.
I wish I could get rid of my car, but I would be stranded out in the country without it! Our public transportation is very limited in the US. I do try to drive as little as possible and combine trips, and I promise I won’t buy a bomb!
Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 30/03/2021 at 3:13 pm