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  1. Thank you for the beautiful poem Vivienne!
    I can see why you appreciate these timeless poems. Their beauty never fades! Have a good week.


    Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 25/02/2022 at 3:15 pm

  2. Beautiful poem Vivienne, I liked most the line about ‘The atmosphere shining on you.’ And the line about the stars- I wish I could still believe in lucky stars! My stars seem to be full of portents of doom! I’ve finished a first draft of my novel though, you inspired me to finish it! It’s not very good yet, but hopefully it will be when I’m finished.
    Hope you’re having a lovely week.

    Comment by Patrick on 25/02/2022 at 3:35 pm

  3. Thank you for this poem’ reading Li Shang Yin quickly brought me to the world of wonder again,”dark enigma”.” Opening that space between linguistic coherence and silence where the human blends into the origins and inner patterns of the cosmos”
    See you soon.

    Comment by Sharon on 26/02/2022 at 8:01 am