Vivienne Westwood 2012
What would I like to do in 2012 – apart from fashion. The first thing is we need to see everything from the main problem of Climate Change to find the right solutions to everything we want to do. 

Climate change: We have helped the Cool Earth campaign to gain momentum over the past few months and we plan to keep raising public awareness and continue to fund raise. The faster we fund raise, the faster the plan to save the Rainforest operates. People can see the practical results and then the more they want to help. The big idea is that our demonstration of people power will encourage governments to join in with help of finance. We want to save not only the Rainforest but the planet.

Harper’s Bazaar and Storm Model Agency are planning a big fund raising event for February – to follow an interview and photo spread in the March issue of the magazine.

We have been approached about a possible TV documentary – for this it would be good to visit Peru and see for ourselves the impact our investments have had – and to find out how the people there earn their living and what is important to them culturally; we can exchange ideas, working towards ideas of a universal nature. 

Human rights: We should never forget the plight of Leonard Peltier, still languishing in gaol after 36 years. Protecting human rights is now more important than ever considering the danger of Climate Change chaos, the growing numbers of climate refugees (there are already 38 million) and the breakdown of society as we know it.

I’m encouraging Leonard to write more about his life in prison but, in the meanwhile, this is a quote from his book, ‘Prison Writings’, which gives some insight into his thinking:

We need each other. Each of is responsible for what happens on this earth. We are each absolutely essential, each totally irreplaceable. Each of us is the swing vote in the bitter election battle now being waged between our best and our worst possibilities.

How are you going to cast your all important ballot?

Humanity awaits your decision.

…One good man or one good woman can change the world…and their work can be a beacon for millions, for billions. Are you that man or woman? If so, may the Great Spirit bless you. If not, why not?

 Financial turning point: These are my ideas of the kind of demands we should make to challenge the world financial crisis. I’d like to offer them to the people protesting at St Paul’s in London and see what they think:
Banks should provide a service and not be run for profit.

The first step is to separate the 2 kinds of bank:

  • Commercial banks – the kind of bank that used to be called a high street bank – should be separate from investment banks.
  • The 2 kinds of bank should not borrow from each other.
  • Bank loans must be carried out at a rate in proportion to their deposits.

This first step can begin immediately at a national level. Indeed, it seems that governments have already begun.
This separation will prevent investment banks from relying on the taxpayer to bail them out when they crash; they will act more responsibly; we will see the end of  the public paying the debt and the bankers getting the profit.
We hope this will limit their activities and save us from the financing of outlandish projects (which might endanger life on our planet).
We therefore propose that all big business projects to exploit the natural resources of our planet be truly costed and approved by governments, and holding the companies fully responsible.
True costing will mean that profits cannot be guaranteed and investment banking will reduce. Perhaps the World Bank will be able to take over so that global schemes will protect and enhance the health of our planet and its life forms.
Other important matters require agreement at a global level. They include:

  • A standard of value (should it be the gold standard?) on which to build a sound financial system to control inflation
  • That everyone should pay his due tax

Economics is not a science but a universal agreement. Our economics are common sense.
Bearing in mind that the financial crisis is the symptom of Climate Change, these demands can be carried out only if we stop Climate Change; their implementation would help to stop it. Otherwise we have no idea of any system which would be possible in the future chaos.

Art and Learning: I don’t know if I can manage it this year but I would work with a museum to curate an exhibition which answers the question ‘What is Art?’ I want to challenge received opinion that art can be anything; everyone’s opinion is as good as anyone else’s, therefore anyone can be an artist. My own opinion involves a hierarchy of values (see my Family Tree). An exhibition catalogue would be a useful investigation in broaching the subject.

One day I would like to have access to a theatre to produce important works which could be vehicles to understanding the world we live in today. I would start with Peter Brook’s dramatic adaptation of the 12th century Persian verse epic, ‘The Conference of the Birds’, then go on to dramatize great books I have read.

I am mulling over the idea of Faust who sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for knowledge – knowledge for the sake of power. Well, in today’s situation, we seem to have sold our souls for knowledge, power and destruction.

Seems like an important message – it could be the idea for a new ballet. The ballet is one of the great achievements of the human race and I happen to know a ballet dancer who has a talent as a choreographer as well as a possible composer.

So, how much can we do in 2012? Let’s start now and see..

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  1. Dear Vivienne,

    I have just a short enquiry that I’d like to address to you, although it is completely unrelated to your great campaign work, it is relevant to the past and the days of The World’s End, regarding a good and ever-rebellious friend of mine who vividly recalls her punk days and how much she embraced your role at the time.

    Colleen Henderson-Heywood is 48, a businesswoman, mentor to aspiring young creatives, and European Ambassador for Parkinson’s disease, which has had a hold on her life for the last five years.

    In three month’s time, Colleen will be getting married in a large ceremony in the Scottish Borders, and it is at this stage that I thought it best to ask you for your help. As a very special wedding present to Colleen in April, I’ am in the final stages of producing an acrylic portrait of yourself for her, as a reminder of how much she idolised you in the 70s, your position in her visual style and your ethics that she has embraced for so many years.

    It would be a truly beautiful gift if you could send Colleen a special message along with the painting in the near future, but I hope you can return me some sort of message on your opinion on this idea (regardless of how ridiculous and far-fetched an idea it seems at the time of writing this message).

    I’ am nineteen, and for Colleen to receive just a written message from you on her wedding would be simply magical and very meaningful. Colleen’s aided my development as an artist and this would be the ultimate thankyou. If this corespondance develops any further, I would be delighted to send you a photo of the painting as it currently stands.

    I couldn’t possibly expect a reply from someone of your position, but we can only hope.

    Yours sincerely,

    Jamie Avis

    Comment by Jamie on 06/01/2012 at 9:08 pm

  2. Dear Dame Westwood,
    Your assistant, Tizer Bailey, suggested that I contact you on this forum. I am 12 years old and very interested in fashion and design. I really like your clothes and your accessories and wondered if you could advise me. I have sent Tizer some designs that I would like to put on t-shirts that are my design and thought that you could maybe help steer me in the right direction as to whether companies are ever interested in using children’s designs on their clothes. I don’t know if you ever do open days, but if you do, I would really love to come and see where you work.
    Thank you so much for your time in reading this email.
    Many thanks,
    Finty Cahill

    Comment by Finty Cahill on 12/01/2012 at 6:20 pm

  3. For many years we had problems in climate change, yet our governments do nothing to educate our younger generation to prevent climate change.
    I believe that our beautiful planet will one day come to an end because of our careless mistakes.
    our governments and the mainsteam media let us see only what they want to see.
    I think if you ask the general public how they feel on our climate change, they will probably say ‘they have more important things to worry about than climate change…
    my thought on the next comment will probably upset many people and may disagree.
    If the world was governed by women then we would not have problems with climate change, poverty, and war.
    I believe that one day our planet to destore its self because lack of knowledge to our younger generation.
    As for Leonard Peltier a great man with a voice that placed him in a place where he does not belong…. we say that the UK and the USA have freedom of speech .. but do we !!!!
    2012 for me will be to try to help climate change in the best way i can… also to help less fortunate people than my self.
    I also hope to gain more knowledge in Leonard Peltier great work…. and to wish him my surpport
    love for 2012
    Ian Careless

    Comment by Ian careless on 16/01/2012 at 8:55 pm

  4. Looking at the beautiful paintings that you show in the YouTube video , shows to me life divine and love.
    Living in Cyprus for 10 years gave me a passion for the Greek otherdox church and there beautiful icons.
    With my ex partner was Greek, the icons and paintings came a way of everyday life.
    Going into church and kissing each icon or painting I seemed to take a indepth look into each artist to see there love for Mary and her child.
    I had a few icons to paste onto this page to show some readers how beautiful the Greek paintings and icons can show passion and love.
    I believe as time has moved on, we can forget the true beauty of an artist and its meaning.

    Comment by Ian careless on 17/01/2012 at 1:06 pm

  5. Dear madame
    Vivienne Westwood
    I am an artist
    please look about my portfolio in website.
    p.s. You are for me ICON

    Comment by mosca milena photographer on 20/02/2012 at 10:19 pm

  6. dear madame VIVIENNE
    .. i have a cover letter for you… i’d like if you can read!
    can i have your email to send it?

    Comment by mosca milena photographer on 23/02/2012 at 4:31 pm

  7. Dear Milena
    Please send your letter to

    Comment by Cynthia on 24/02/2012 at 10:03 am