The relationship between painting and fashion.

We were looking through our archives recently and rediscovered a series of three programmes I made in 1995 with Cynthia and my brother, Gordon, for Channel 4 television (UK). As all of you who are regular readers of my blog know, the importance of art is firmly embedded in my philosophy – and this has not changed over time.

I hope you enjoy watching the first of these programmes which examine the relationship between painting and fashion. We’ll post the others in the coming weeks.

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  1. Dear Vivienne,

    I think the relationship between art and fashion is so close, all styles of clothing have developed from art over the centuries. All fashion stems from art; paintings show beauty and grace and that is exactly what clothes should do for the people wearing them as well as portraying their character. I loved this episode and can’t wait to watch the rest! Thank you for posting this.

    Also, at last I am going to get to visit the National Gallery. Roll on the Easter Holidays!!!

    George xx

    Comment by George Jibson on 15/03/2012 at 6:36 pm

  2. This is why I rarely wear suits, – Im quite broad and just look like a bouncer on a club door! I only ever wear them when somebody is getting married, or when somebody has died. (In other words; when I have to)

    Fantastic video though, some inspirational quotes there from Vivienne, and also from the others featured in it.


    Comment by Sam Varnham on 15/03/2012 at 11:42 pm

  3. I like your comment about only wearing suits when you have to, Sam! I feel the same way, although when I do have to wear a suit I always pull out one of my Westwood suits.
    I have a couple that I bought back in 1996 & 1997, and I still love them! I will continue to wear them until they fall apart, and I will get one of them out for Easter this year.
    Thanks for posting this video, Vivienne! It is a real treat to be able to watch this series.

    Bets Regards,

    Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 16/03/2012 at 1:53 pm

  4. It’s funny that this focuses so much on the folds in the fabric, I particularly remember explicitly noticing the fabric on the sails of the ships in the painting by Canaletto that we saw in the National Gallery last month!

    And I hate to be the odd one out here, but I absolutely love wearing a suit, especially if it’s cut right and fits nicely! My motto in general when it comes to clothes is ‘If in doubt overdress’. And for a guy I don’t suppose you overdress any more than wearing a suit! I think it’s quite nice that the men’s suit hasn’t changed in so long. Am currently saving up for a 100% wool one, polyester and all these manmade fibres just don’t do a suit justice I find, I’ve always admired the wool suits that my Granddad wears (some of which he’s had 25 years and they still look fab!) Obviously it’s refreshing to see a new and different take on the suit (Like your Alien Suit Vivienne) but I feel almost like I’m wearing history when I wear a classic, well cut suit, like I am wearing a piece of art, although all fashion is art really, as is touched on in the video!

    Can’t wait to see the other videos,


    Comment by James Emmett on 17/03/2012 at 2:11 pm