To finish the series, here is the last part. I hope you enjoy it! (Works now)

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  1. Dear Vivienne,
    I really enjoyed part one and two of this documentary! Unfortunately the third part has a mistake after more or less 10 min, the sound goes one but the picture freezes!

    Taking the opportunity of writing something here: not to long ago I read and interview with you in a German magazine, at the end of the article the author mentioned that he got a list of your most favourite books by you. As I enjoy writing a lot, I would be really interested in it. Maybe one day you might wanna publish it here, I am sure I am not the only one looking for inspiration!

    With regards,

    Comment by daniel on 05/04/2012 at 2:42 pm

  2. Dear Vivienne,

    It’s a shame that the video does stop working half way through, still very interesting though and I must say I have thoroughly enjoyed the series.

    Also, I would just like to take a minute to wish you a very Happy Birthday, hope you have a smashing day!


    Comment by James Emmett on 08/04/2012 at 7:38 am

  3. Dear James, Daniel et al
    The video has now been fixed – the last scene is great!

    Comment by Cynthia on 10/04/2012 at 4:20 pm

  4. Thanks, Cynthia! The last part is the best with Vivienne posing in the various gowns.
    This has been a fantastic series!


    Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 10/04/2012 at 7:30 pm

  5. Storm in a Tea Cup – Such a fantastic name for something absolutely full of classic antiquity….
    Also Viviennes comment to children about drawing is 100% true, it is how i learn everyday by copying the work of others, you learn so much. Fantastic advice here!


    Comment by Sam Varnham on 11/04/2012 at 9:22 am

  6. Thank you so much for posting these three videos. I have absolutely loved them, I just wish there was more things like this on television! I hope that you have all had a very Happy Easter.

    George x

    Comment by George Jibson on 11/04/2012 at 10:17 am