Two iconic British brands – Vivienne Westwood and Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics – will support the Climate Revolution during the first two weeks of January 2013. In 104 Lush shops across the UK, customers will be invited to protect the environment by signing up to the revolution.

Climate Revolution is an uprising designed by Vivienne Westwood. Participants will be invited to petition, act and protest for a more sustainable future.

Mo Constantine OBE, Co-founder of LUSH Cosmetics says,

“These are the weeks when every shop in every shopping centre across the world is screaming sales. We have chosen to propel Vivienne Westwood’s initiative – Climate Revolution – into the High Street instead. It might seem strange that the Climate Revolution is being called for by members of the beauty and fashion industry, but Vivienne is right when she says that we must begin today, because tomorrow is too late.

 Both Lush and Westwood have always had invention at heart, and a certain disregard for the rules. We’re proud to make Climate Revolution our New Year’s resolution.”

Dame Vivienne Westwood says,

“I was impressed by Lush – it’s run like a family business with the earth and its people as the priority. They have over 800 shops across the world without having spent any money on advertising! I like the attention they give to the amount of packaging they use and the communities from which they source their products.   

I’m excited that 2013 begins with Climate Revolution, from 104 windows on the UK’s busiest shopping streets. And it gives me hope that the High Street can help pioneer a more sustainable world.”

Hilary Jones, Ethics Director at LUSH Cosmetics, says,

“All of us – individuals, businesses, institutions and governments – need to find ways to minimise our impact so that when we are gone, the planet remains for the next generation.  

Never before has a generation held sway over the very future existence of our planet and we need to face up to that and take responsibility.”

CLIMATE REVOLUTION will be hosted in Lush shops until Monday 14th January 2013

 For further information please go online at or contact Tamsin Omond on 07788 312 645 or email

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  1. Ive been in, signed up, and got the badge!
    I used to work for Lush so i know how good their morals are as a company,
    really impressed with the alliance !

    Comment by Sam Varnham on 04/01/2013 at 4:33 pm

  2. I have signed up too! It was in the window of the Lush store in Leeds. I have told my friends all about it. You can follow on facebook and Twitter.

    George x

    Comment by George Jibson on 04/01/2013 at 7:25 pm

  3. Furthermore, I love their products.
    I wish you, too, a very happy new year.

    Comment by Virginia L on 06/01/2013 at 6:49 pm

  4. Dear Vivienne,
    I’m thrilled by this alliance. It was fantastic when I was in Birmingham town the other day walking up the high street and seeing ‘CLIMATE REVOLUTION’ in the windows in big writing. I know some of the workers and they are excited about it too!

    Lush products are beautiful, our family has been using them for a while now, my favourite is the ‘Grass’ Body wash…I recommend it to anyone – It actually smells like freshly cut grass!

    Sorry I haven’t sent the letter yet I’ve been horribly busy – piano is swallowing my life, however I felt it best to wait until the new year.

    Yours Truly,

    Comment by Kyle Nash-Baker on 07/01/2013 at 10:27 pm

  5. Their steps for climate resolution are strongly going ahead. They will reach their goal. And can earn a success for beauty world.

    Comment by Sallys Darlington on 01/02/2013 at 12:18 pm

  6. I simply cannot believe the the out-and-out hyprocrisy of this woman, wealthy and living an oppulent lifestyle well beyond the one Earth principle, designing clothes for the ultra-wealthy, she is in no position to dictate to the restof the rest of us on how to treat the planet.
    “People who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones”
    Lush should be ashamed of themselves for associating with this woman.
    {N.B. Iam a loyal customer.}

    Comment by Crowcatcher on 10/06/2013 at 3:04 pm