Join the #ClimateRevolution between 2 – 4 Saturday 2 March @followwestwood 44 Conduit St W1

On the 2nd of March between 2pm and 4pm, Vivienne Westwood’s ‘face of war’ from the Paralympics and the catwalk takes to the streets of London. We are mixing flash mob with face painting, hence ‘face mob’. The face of war is Vivienne’s symbolic message to unite everyone and to achieve the public message that we need a Climate Revolution. If you are disheartened with the financial system, want to do something to save the planet, fight for human rights or fed up with the propaganda then come and be part of the London face mob. This is something for everyone to express themselves to the world that new change is needed. This is a fun event where we want you to strut around London and show the world that you want a future and it will belong to you. 

Climate Revolution will set up a face painting stall outside Vivienne’s shop at 44 Conduit Street in the heart of central London, where you can come and get ‘the face of war’ painted for free by British Artist Daniel Lismore and receive a message from Vivienne Westwood. We want to paint your face and unleash you onto the streets and for you to be creative with your image online. Post it on facebook, twitter or instagram  – the best picture will win a Climate Revolution t-shirt as seen on Lady Gaga, Georgia May Jagger and Kate Moss.

Don’t forget to tag Climate Revolution’s facebook page on your image or #climaterevolution #viviennewestwood on Instagram/Twitter to enter the competition. Find us on twitter @climate_rev

Let the face mobbing begin!

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  1. Ms. Vivienne Westwood, I’ve waited since 2005 to share my words with you, but up to date, I finally have something to show for it.

    I beg you to please read my post I’ve just submitted to my WordPress blog: It entails my design project I submitted for class on you and your company; it also broadcasts my advocacy of human rights, equality, and ending violence – to end human suffering and begin global change towards climate evolution and human revolution!

    You are one of my greatest idols, and I have wanted to intern/work for you and your cause since I was 18 years old. I am now 26 years old and finally able to afford my university degree. Although only insofar as to get to a plateau where my voice can be heard loud enough.

    One day, I would love to work with you as I intend to master my skills as a tailor and provide one of the basic necessities of life – clothing. As cheaply and sustainably as possible, I want to create clothing that is of the highest quality that lasts generations to come. I am in the beginning stages of my evolution, and I wanted to present to you the collection I designed for your company. I’ve spent countless hours on this project attempting to truly voice my own aesthetic fused with your own and with what’s current and most important in our global debates.

    You are unconditionally loved by me, and I support you in all your causes. You are an inspiration and thanked a thousand times over. Thank you for your time and your energy, your love and your guidance.

    I will do right by your homage; I will do right for our species and indeed all sentient beings on our planet.

    My love and light,

    Niko Sol

    Comment by Niko Sol on 26/04/2013 at 12:49 pm