Our Banner In The Sky, Frederic Edwin Church - 1826-1900

Our Banner In The Sky, Frederic Edwin Church – 1826-1900, painted at the time of the Civil war
America’s idea of the land of the free, God’s country.

I need to go back into the diary to tell you about New York.

Saturday 4 May: Yoga. 4pm plane for New York.  Slept.  Arrived evening.  Hotel Carlyle (near the Metropolitan Museum of Art).

Sunday 5 May: Woke 5.30am. Reading Matthew Arnold, “Culture and Anarchy”

11.00am interview at CNN, a four minute piece with host Alina Cho, to be aired on CNN International and in the USA on June 1st.

1:00pm Interview with Vanity Fair back at the Carlyle. Immediately after I walked to the Met. Chinese painting gallery closed but okay because in that case I looked at the Japanese paintings. Chinese culture was a major influence on Japan from the introduction of Buddhism in 552 AD. They mastered the Chinese technique of painting and for centuries you can’t tell the difference, the paintings are as good. I was carried away- there’s just you, a white heron and the grey calligraphic stem of a lotus pod.

At closing I met Julie walking down the street. Reading in the hotel.

Went for an hour to the bar with Andreas. He is fascinated by the taste in dress of rich old American gentlemen, eccentric and super chic. My friend Gene from Brooklyn, now living in Japan and fashion editor of Vogue Nippon and Korean Vogue – though not so old, has the same taste.

Gene Krell and

Gene Krell and Raine Spencer

Andreas went to the flea market today (near the Natural History museum) with our friend Sabine, originally from Vienna (she too was a pupil of mine in the same class as Andreas) now a stylist in New York. She bought a monkey coat (Gorilla, a lot of money) These coats are amazing. She’s got a nerve but she lives for fashion more than anyone. I couldn’t do it even though the coat is second hand.

Andreas taking tea at the market told me of the old ladies there (probably my age) who all look like Raine Spencer – hair and make-up. You don’t find them except in America. Eccentric. Why? Could be because of American isolation.

Officer and Laughing Girl, Johannes Vermeer and Andreas favourite

Officer and Laughing Girl, Johannes Vermeer and a favourite of Andreas Renoir’s La Promenade

Andreas went to the Frick Collection. Frick was a Coal Baron who visited Europe around 1900 and was inspired by the London Wallace Collection to form an art collection – not only paintings but furniture etc. He built a mansion on 5th Avenue to house it. For twenty years he made a point of collecting only the best works of the world’s great artists. His home and contents is open to the public. Andreas says that experiencing art in someone’s house is different, walking on carpets. The art is tremendous. Frick achieved his aim of buying the best. His mansion is the only one standing on 5th Avenue, other people demolished theirs and built giant blocks of expensive apartments – families who had once made their money from industry, turned to real estate.

Thomas Gainsborough The Mall in St James's Park

Thomas Gainsborough The Mall in St James’s Park – Frick Collection
I’m showing you this great painting because of its extra anecdotal interest: ladies parading the latest fashion. The two on the left are wearing the very latest fashion and the others look them up and down.

Mon 6 May:  I met my friend Terry Doctor but only for an hour. We got coffee to takeaway and sat on a wall in the street. He knows everything about fashion and politics. He and his wife Louise were part of the fashion crowd when fashion was at the King’s Rd in the 60’s. Then I walked to the Met for an interview at the punk exhibition.

Evening dress, House of Worth (French, 1858-1956)

Evening dress, House of Worth (French, 1858-1956)

The clothes inspired by punk didn’t work; exception Gianni Versace and one or two others – Hussein Chalayan.

Then though the museum was closed, Andreas and I were allowed to look at the Impressionism, Fashion and Modernity exhibition which included one or two sensational Worth gowns. Worth is the first creator of fashion – others had trimmed and decorated existing shapes which changed slowly over time. By dynamic cutting Worth changed the silhouettes and movement of gowns according to their rapport with the body.


And a so-great painting by Manet of Berthe Morissot in a white dress, getting up from a sofa and saying something: totally engaging. Its originality had shocked at the time –“she’s not sitting, not standing” they scorned.

Edouard Manet -  Repose a portrait of Berthe Morisot - 1870

Edouard Manet – Repose a portrait of Berthe Morisot – 1870

Evening the Met ball. In the picture with me and Andreas is Lily Cole. She is wearing a dress we made for her in wild rubber she gave us – she is promoting it’s use because she is working with the people who collect it in the rainforest.

Yes, it was glamorous because of all the actors and models who were there, Andreas found Linda Evangelista who he adores. She gave us a lot when she did the shows.

And what about Bradley? Mostly people didn’t recognize the photo. When I said the  name then one or two knew him, when I said Wikileaks they all did. The reaction was guilt that they didn’t know already but glad to know when I explained. Yet of all these people every one knew American justice is a travesty and they were all sympathetic to Bradley. The people who did recognize him were democrats who still believed in Obama even though he is personally responsible (ahead of the military) for deciding Bradley’s trial is in secret court.

Tuesday 7 May:  Bill McKibben was coming to see me at the hotel. He’s the man from 350.org. and they have just succeeded in stopping (we don’t know for how long) permission for the pipe line from the tar sands. He wrote the article in Rolling Stones magazine, “Do the Math” naming the fossil fuel industry as Enemy Number 1.

I had invited my friend Irina and Bill arrived with J.B. a lady I shan’t say anything about until the day I tell you what she and the NGO’s she works with have been doing. One of the things she said which stayed in my mind was that to continue campaigning for justice and to hand onto your initial outrage and live with it is (morally) an act of courage – we were talking about building protest.

Because of the urgent need to stop the destruction of the earth and in time to hold back climate change we all feel the need of mass protest – particularly Bill on his laptop he showed me photos of protest events. 350.org. has linked with people in every country in the world except North Korea to stage protest and to maintain contact (jaw-dropping –  what can one man do) 350.org. has mobilized students on over 300 campuses in U.S. to stop their huge financial investment departments investing in fossil fuels. These students are now building activist groups and coming up with their own ideas for protest. Bill’s wife told him he’s been in jail for more days than at home this year.

I wanted to know how you maintain contact with groups, e.g. for Climate Revolution, for the people we talked with at Haringey College in London – so they build their own ideas for agenda. One thing we can do is keep in touch with 350.org. through the internet. That of course was the reason for me meet Bill; Climate Revolution and 350.org. must stay connected.

Climate Revolution’s agenda for protest is to link with other NGO’s and all go on each other’s demonstrations so that, for example, if you fight to “Save the Arctic” you also fight to “Save the Rainforest” and also fight for Bradley Manning because we are fighting the corrupt global power mafia who are causing the destruction. Everything is connected.

Irina is so pretty, the more serious she looks, the more pretty she looks. Bill liked her, especially as she came from Lake Baikal, the largest fresh water lake in the world, and one of his favourite places on earth. She is Inuit, an author, a model and an activist- her focus is on precious water. 

Irina Pantaeva

Irina Pantaeva modelling for Vivienne Westwood

She told me of the environmental destruction to the area of Lake Baikal enforced by Putin who has out his own men into the local government. She is too scared to protest even from New York because she has family there.

Had three hours to spare, went to the Met and looked at Chinese vases and Buddhist sculptures. You feel affection for the Met because everything about humans (that we know of) that existed, is housed in one building. In London our vast buildings with their enormous collections, specialize in knowledge of the past, the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert, the National Gallery. With the Met you feel that if you came once a week a year you would know everything in it, then you could keep going back and know it all better. And in London we don’t have a collection of Chinese painting. Their bookshop is the best art bookshop in the world. I just had time to look at a book of photos of the Civil War – tragic – rows of dead soldiers against the fence of a field or on top of each other and sprawled in ditches alongside the rail track. Julie came up to me – I saw her again – then left for the airport.

Politics. John Pilger:  You remember in my last Diary entry I wrote a letter to Pamela that I described some of the Clinton’s nefarious activities when he was in office and that I quoted from Pilger’s “The New Rulers of the World”, and that I told you to read him if you want to wake up to what’s going on in the world. Please read the chapters on Vietnam of his book “Heroes” – that is an eye opener on the powerful scale of cynical and sinister politics for the creation of war.

I want to comment and quote from the “New Rulers of the World”: chapter the “Great Game”.

At the end of World War II the countries of Europe were sick of war and at a conference at Bretton Woods in America they were in favour of implementing a new and fairer economic system which had been worked out by Maynard Keynes with checks and balances on profits, which they hoped would bring peace to the world.

America did not agree and because they were all in debt to America the European countries had to accept America’s proposals. America then laid the foundations for the present global economy.

The conference gave America’s military and corporate establishments’ unlimited access to minerals, oil, markets and cheap labour. The World Bank and the IMF were invented to implement this strategy. No wonder America feels the world and everything in it belongs to them – and they think they deserve it- the liberators of WW2 from the Land of the Free.

They knew what they were doing. They knew the earth was finite.

In the process of this strategy they created a new imperialism and raped the earth. England has colluded in the American Imperialism. ( Didn’t our satirists called Tony Blair, Bush’s dog as he lurked under the table picking up the bones of our “special relationship”)

Pilger is a war correspondent. He describes a scene of carpet bombing when he was in paddy fields near Saigon. Carpet bombing kills everything.

Cluster bombs cause slow death as dart-shaped shards migrate throughout the body. You can’t operate.

America creates war for two reasons: 1) Because they think they own the world and want to make sure they control (and get as much of everything in it: 2) Because they don’t want any socialist political and financial system to operate as an alternative model to capitalism (others might follow).

And since World War II, America has destroyed good things everywhere e.g. In the 1960’s a liberation movement brought in a new government in Afghanistan.

The latest twist in this scenario is that the Mujahaddin could not become strong enough to take over the whole country. Therefore they are no longer useful to America as a potential partner for America to take control of a pipeline to get the oil out of the area.

At this point in time as I am getting the diary up I shall be going to the demonstration in support of Bradley Manning outside the U.S. Embassy on Saturday 1st June at 2pm but as to what happens then and in between this Diary and that you will have to wait till the next Diary entry.

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  1. Vivienne,
    Thanks once again for a great Diary entry! I have already signed up with 350.org, and I have been spreading the word about Bradley Manning to everyone I know. June 1st was also my birthday, so I was proud to share the day with the events around the world supporting Bradley! I have also joined the Bradley Manning Support Network website, and they need donations to help with Bradley’s legal fees, so this is another way that people could show their support. The address is http://www.bradleymanning.org.
    Thanks also for all of your commentary on the artwork you saw while in NYC. I spent three hours on my first visit to the Met Museum about 20 years ago, and it was only enough time for an introduction to the collection. I try to go back whenever I am in NYC. The Frick Collection is also very nice.
    I will look forward to the next Diary entry.

    Best Regards,

    Comment by Jeffrey Jordan on 02/06/2013 at 3:41 pm

  2. Thank you so much for this Vivienne, your post’s have had a really positive effect on me, you made me get up off my arse and travel to London to the Bradley Manning event at Grosvenor Square and I was so very glad that I did. A good turn out of every type of people all with one aim shedding light on Bradley’s plight, I must admit I didn’t really know if I would fit in with the people at the event but everyone was warm, friendly and welcoming including yourself, it was a real pleasure to meet you and discuss the moors surrounding Glossop.

    The event was eye opening as to just how connected everything is and how we need to be vigilant and aware of the injustices going on around us every day without you informing people about this event I would not have known about it but thanks to you I was inspired to action.

    Comment by Anthony Thorpe on 02/06/2013 at 6:30 pm

  3. Dear Vivienne Westwood;

    I’m an active ‘Active Resistance’ reader and I’m sorry if i disturb the argument above but i believe that my question is very much related to your manifesto and Active Resistance ideology.
    Recently in Turkey people are struggling for their right to live and express themselves and they are being faced with violence. All started because they wanted to stop the government to build a shopping mall destroying a park. Than it became a freedom struggle getting power from ordinary people.

    I’d like to ask your opinion? What would you suggest the protestors in Turkey and the people who support them all over the world?

    “Peace at Home, Peace in the World “


    Comment by Alize Saygun on 03/06/2013 at 7:41 am

  4. Dear Alize
    Our rulers are now consolidated into a global power. It is now clear that their enemy is the people: clear when we consider the prosecution against Bradley Manning, that by making information public a whistle blower automatically avail terrorists of that information and is therefore guilty of aiding the enemy; clear when we consider the information released by Edward Snowden that the general public is under surveillance. The political situation in India completely exemplifies this fact of the public made enemy. I will comment in my next diary. It’s important to know what we’re up against and that this concerns us all, not only the people in Turkey. I support them.

    Comment by Vivienne on 14/06/2013 at 3:05 pm

  5. http://www.abc.net.au/tv/qanda/txt/s3759900.htm


    Australian public opinion polls currently tell us that the Liberal party (conservatives) are (marginally) preferred parliamentary party favourites for the upcoming September 2013 Australian election later this year. This means that if elected, (other than being lead by a complete and utter imbecile named Tony Abbott- see second link) it looks as though there will be an onslaught of dumb and dumber-type ‘politicians’ under Abbott polluting all with their lap-dog-to-corporate-power-structure antics and backward conservative polities based on ill-information and blatant disregard for proven research.

    Liberal senator Cory Bernardi certainly showed his party’s true colours in discussion with Bill McKibben last night (see first link at 22:23). I am just flabbergasted at the amount of support for these Liberal moronic fools such as Bernardi who are anything but butlers to the megarich- brainwashing Australians into a Labor dislike and frenzy. People need to wake up and see that supporting Julia Gillard and Labor through another term of government and especially supporting their carbon tax (which redistributes a portion of mining corporations profits) is the only way to go. The abolishment of the carbon tax that Abbott and the Liberals have proposed to do is based on people like Bernardi’s arrogant and uneducated mentalities.

    For further evidence of Bernardi’s (reinforced by Abbott’s) offensive and demoralising views-


    Whilst the suggestion this meat head Cory Bernardi has made, correlating same sex relationships with bestiality, is incredibly offensive – beyond belief, there’s really something wrong with a system that let’s unintelligent, underschooled people like Bernardi into Aus politics in the first place! What erks me? 1st year legal or philosophy students learn that a slippery slope argument is fallacious.

    If we let this then happen… then what’ll happen?? Bernardi and Abbott: thinking only about their wallets today and not the world tomorrow. Something needs to be done to get the people of Australia back on track in realising that the Liberals are nothing more than immature, misogynistic and greedy tyrants.

    I implore everyone- irregardless of what country you live in- to pass this message on: Abbott and the Liberals must not be elected. As my friend just told me “George Bush is the same as Abbot – a backward conservative. People need to start thinking for themselves.”

    Comment by Jade on 04/06/2013 at 7:34 am

  6. Apologies, see 24:23 of first link not 22:23

    Comment by Jade on 04/06/2013 at 7:54 am

  7. Vivienne, i must say…
    Gorilla fur is only amazing on top Gorilla itself. As an environmental campaigner you know, with climate change we have mass extinction going and our precious wildlife critically endangered, among them Gorillas. The trade of their fur is illegal.
    It is not cool, but quite ugly and shameful, to wear an animal as fashion accessory.
    I cant get the meaning of the picture with Gorilla and a baby…
    “Gorilla before she become a coat” ?!

    Comment by Ewa on 18/08/2013 at 2:56 pm

  8. Dear Vivienne.My name is Icky ,or Duncan Paterson really. I’m a 51 musician from Glasgow. My band is named Fin-Ray.
    When I was 14 years old I skipped the night train to London to buy a pair of trousers from you.Id got 25 pound for my birthday.I got to Kings Road about 8 in the morning ,having walked from Euston. When came to the shop ,when you opened I looked around and you.came out to serve me. I was gobsmacked with the white makeup and red hair with an Elizabethan looking dress. I have in my mind you we’re waiting red contacts ,the Christopher Lee kind,maybe just my imagination.Anyway you had quite an effect on a young boy from possilpark.You asked why I was here and it was black trousers like the clash wore in a 26 waist. You laughed and enquirer if I’d came all the way from Glasgow for a pair of trousers and told this girls in the back who thought I was like a little punk doll.You didn’t have the size for me and made a call and sent me up to Boy as they had a pair out for me ready. I went along and the girls were lovely as well and you had knocked the price down for me.
    I have always wanted to meet you again in my life and thank you for being such a sweet girl to a young fella starting off in the world. You have always been a huge inspiration to me ever since. I’ve been a musician,artist for nearly thirty years now and there are less than a handful of people who inspired me to the extent you have.
    I hope this reaches you. I just wanted to let you know one little act of kindness can have a really.big effect. Rock On. With all my love..Icky. Duncan Paterson.. . Fin-Ray . Glasgow.

    Comment by Duncan Paterson on 18/01/2017 at 11:21 pm