Greenpeace have super credibility – they don’t accept money from governments or business and they have terrific public support. Right now, they need to raise money for legal fees for the Arctic 30 and to raise popular support for their cause. Join us and sign the petition.

There are two specific things we have to do now to halt climate change, otherwise we have no chance:

– Save the Rainforest
– Save the Arctic

Climate Revolution is especially working to save the Rainforest (with Cool Earth) and with Greenpeace to Save the Arctic.
CR and Greenpeace are also working with Friends of the Earth, Frack Off, Lush and Reclaim the Power to stop fracking before it happens here in the UK. Next target Kent!

We’ve been working with Greenpeace on their Arctic campaign since last year’s, ‘Flag for the Future’. Vivienne was a judge for the winning flag design which was planted at the North Pole over a time capsule containing the signatures of millions of Arctic defenders that was lowered to the seabed to claim a global sanctuary for all life on earth . We designed a t-shirt for Save the Arctic – this design was worn by the international team as they trekked to the North Pole to plant the flag. We named our catwalk show “Save the Arctic” and featured the t-shirt. Greenpeace needs millions of you to help Save the Arctic and stop Shell.

Guest blog by John Sauven, Executive Director, Greenpeace UK: 

John Sauven

John Sauven

Without doubt we are experiencing the gravest environmental tragedies of our time.  Large scale industrial exploitation is destroying planet Earth’s great ecosystems, and our important life support systems – our climate!

Logging or burning rainforest releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and is responsible for up to a fifth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.  The shrinking Arctic sea ice means less of the sun’s energy is reflected back into space and more is absorbed into the black ocean increasing our global temperatures.  And the scouring of the oceans is killing the microscopic organisms that provide us with half the oxygen we need to survive.  Let the oceans die and so will life on our planet.

Tragically some do not see degraded and lifeless environments as a planet in peril, but more as an opportunity to grow a bank balance and continue with business as usual.  This must come to an end.

We are under no illusion that the battles to end deforestation, stop drilling in the Arctic and protect marine life will be won over night, yet over the past decades Greenpeace and our civil society allies have scored many victories – and we know that when there is enough public pressure and political will and perseverance we can succeed.

Climate Revolution is a symbol of how the power and responsibility of civil society can bring about positive change.  Without enthusiastic and dedicated people, taking a stand and taking action we would not achieve the breakthroughs we do.

Only together can we speak loud enough to expose the powerful systems putting profit before the planet, and promote the solutions needed to safeguard all life on Earth. 

Free the arctic 30

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