England’s recent dose of heavy rainfall, storms & flooding runs true for climate change. Our map at +5° is simplified so it doesn’t point out that true to the predictions Britain is an exceptional island. Some of the land will be underwater; it will be habitable but subject to extreme weather conditions including flooding.

Australia has just experienced its hottest year & this runs true to the forecast that our present world will become mostly desert. Take into account the scorching temperatures & forest fires which are occurring annually in Australia, the South of France & the Hollywood hills of Los Angeles, plus the sandstorms & droughts happening in Texas, Arizona & New Mexico & the forecast & the +5° map begins to tally.

Even if greenhouse emissions stopped overnight the concentrations in the atmosphere mean that the extreme weather conditions will get worse.
The good news is that we can avoid runaway climate change if we reduce emissions now and get it down by 60% over the next 10 years. We haven’t even started.
We have to fight governments to make them change their policies.

warmer world

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