Paying for climate damage isn’t Charity

Vivienne: 3 decades ago disasters were less than they are now.

Vivienne: How can this tiny solution have any bearing on the enormity of the task. The house is on fire this is equivalent to one bucket of water. The journalist Ani Dasgupta doesn’t know what he is talking about –> no grasp of reality. Everybody who went to cop is crazy. –> Especially the oil camp.

Vivienne: The UN can’t do this because we live in a world of competition not cooperation. Capitalism is the cause of the problem and Dasgupta is asking capitalism to come up with an answer. Get real! Just consider Pakistan floods: the damage is estimated at $35 Billion. The West would have to send that much aid! And on top of that,  is COP suggesting that we could restore their livelihood and their economy?

Vivienne: Is this what it’s all about then? Is it all about the latest phone and a belief in technology – technology is always obsolete, because what we think we need is the next new thing. Making the thing we’ve got obsolete. Consumption of technology is killing us. It’s just relying on the trickle down theory that everything the West wants is of benefit to the rest of the world.


Vivienne: COP acknowledged that the cost worldwide could reach $290 Billion to $580 billion in 2030! Where is this money going to come from? It would have to come from debt creation and inflation. This is what we mean by getting back to normal. We are stuck on the idea that everybody’s got to ‘get back to normal.’ The human animals of prey, the oil camp. What a sham – just look at this – the BBC noted in their assessment: “The fossil fuel industry has finally come out of the shadows. One key takeaway from COP27 was the presence and power of fossil fuel – be they delegates or countries. Attendees connected to the oil and gas industry were everywhere. Some 636 were part of country delegations and trade teams. The crammed pavilions felt at times like a fossil fuel trade fair. This influence was clearly reflected in the final text. Demands from India and others for all fossil fuels to be phased down didn’t survive, despite the backing of the EU and many other countries rich and poor. Many African countries were also keen to use the COP as a platform to promote new oil and gas initiatives in their countries. “The fact that the outcome only talks about ‘phase-down of unabated coal power’ is a disaster for Africa and for the climate, ” said Babawale Obayanju, from Friends of the Earth Africa. “We don’t need more gas extraction in Africa, devastating our communities for the benefit of rich countries and corporations. What we needed from COP27 was agreement to a rapid, equitable phase out of all fossil fuels.”

COP27’s only honest man – Brazil’s new President, Lula – has promised no more deforestation in the Amazon by 2030.

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